コマンドオプションサンプル:shutdown /s


shutdown /s /t 0
    Can't shutdown or sleep after Version 1709 update - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@f=15&t=1406313
shutdown /s /t
    ASCII.jp:タイマー制御やメッセージ表示も! Windows 8.1のシャットダウン術 (1/2)|深厚のWindows使いこなしテクニック : http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/985/985015/
shutdown /s /t 00" might not appeal. Just a thought
    Do not skip the latest B8 boot post | Ask the Directory Services Team : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askds/2012/05/23/do-not-skip-the-latest-b8-boot-post/
shutdown /s /t 0 /hybrid
    シャットダウンのショートカット作成方法 | Windows10 のデスクトップを便利に - グループウェア | ボクシルマガジン : http://boxil.jp/mag/a30
shutdown /s /t 0
    Shutting Down Your Intel Galileo running Windows « Bret Stateham's Blog : http://bretstateham.com/shutting-down-your-intel-galileo-running-windows/
shutdown /s /t 10
    Restart or Shutdown Windows Computer Using CMD and SHUTDOWN Commands from the Command Line | Capitalhead.com : http://capitalhead.com/articles/restart-or-shutdown-windows-computer-using-cmd-and-shutdown-commands-from-the-command-line.aspx
shutdown /s /t 00
    How Can Shutdown System By Setting a Time [Solved] : http://ccm.net/forum/affich-19037-how-can-shutdown-system-by-setting-a-time
Shutdown /s /f /t 1[/B]
    Problem with computer shut down command - Newbie Forum - Club Myce - Knowledge is Power : http://club.myce.com/t/problem-with-computer-shut-down-command/311813@page=2
shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0
    Windows Shutdown Command | Commaster's Blog : http://commaster.net/content/windows-shutdown-command
shutdown /s /t 0
    Remote Restarting a Domain PC - Windows Forum - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/148839-how-to-restart-shutdown-using-cmd
shutdown /s /f /t " .. sec)
    Enable hybrid shutdown | Unified Remote Community : http://community.unifiedremote.com/topic/608/enable-hybrid-shutdown
shutdown /s /t 0
    shutdown.exe | Confidential Files! : http://confidentialfiles.wordpress.com/tag/shutdown-exe/
shutdown /s /t 0 /f /d p:0:0"
    指定した日時にPCを自動シャットダウンするには : http://denor.daa.jp/髫ー%96%87繝サ9E・ウ陞「・ケ繝サ・ー驍オ・コ雋・93陟・8B髫エ%8E繝サ82%85繝サ86%93pc驛「・ァ陞ウ%9A%87繝サ・ェ繝サ9C%8D髴・94繝サ81%99驛「%9D繝サ・」驛「%9D%83驛「%9D繝サ8C・サ繝サ83・ー驛「・ァ繝サ・ヲ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驍オ・コ繝サ90・カ繝サ%8B驍オ・コ繝サ・ォ驍オ・コ繝サ・ッ
shutdown /s /f /c "
    コマンドプロンプトでシャットダウン[shutdown -s -m \\ホスト名 -t 0... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12111055512@__ysp=InNodXRkb3duIC9lIg==
shutdown /s does a hard shutdown and power off
    Windows shutdown command - The Silicon Underground : http://dfarq.homeip.net/windows-shutdown-command/
shutdown /s /f /t 0
     New CMD switches for shutdown.exe in Windows 8 - Includes /hybrid but not /full : http://forum.thewindowsclub.com/windows-tips-tutorials-articles/34495-new-cmd-switches-shutdown-exe-windows-8-includes-hybrid-but-not-full.html
shutdown /s /t 0". It was a writing mistake
    Solved: RESTARTING INSTEAD OF SHUTTING DOWN - Lenovo Community : http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-C-E-K-M-N-and-V-Series/RESTARTING-INSTEAD-OF-SHUTTING-DOWN/td-p/3584585
shutdown /s /t 0
     Windows keeps corrupting gpt : http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/490228-Windows-keeps-corrupting-gpt
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    Windows 10で「完全シャットダウン」を実行する方法 - ぼくんちのTV 別館 : http://freesoft.tvbok.com/win10/operation/complete_shutdown.html
    定時退社するための魔法のWindowsコマンドを教えよう · Futurismo : http://futurismo.biz/archives/1186/
shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c "Packer Shutdown"
    Failed to send shutdown command with windows 2012 on vmware-iso (0.12) 揃 Issue #4191 揃 hashicorp/packer 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/hashicorp/packer/issues/4171
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows10 シャットダウンショートカット作成 | Harmonic-Sound : http://harmonic-sound.com/win10-shutdown/
shutdown /s /full /t 0
    一発でWindows 8をシャットダウンする方法 : http://hep.eiz.jp/windows8-shutdown/
shutdown /s /t 0
    【Windows8】シャットダウンや再起動のショートカットを作成する方法 | イメージングソリューション : http://imagingsolution.net/program/windows8/make-shortcut-to-shutdown/
shutdown /s /t 0
  : http://inouetetsurou.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/windows-驛「%9D闔会ス」繝サ81%9F驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ繝サ・ス・シ繝サ8C・サ繝サ81%99驛「%9D繝サ・」驛「%9D%83驛「%9D繝サ8C・サ繝サ83・ー驛「・ァ繝サ・ヲ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驛「・ァ繝サ・「驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ繝サ8F・エ繝サ87%88%88繝サ88%8C%80繝サ88・オ繝サ95%97繝サ9E・ウ繝サ・、/
shutdown /s /t 0 (
    SUSE Linuxと Windows のシャットダウン、リブート操作(仮想サーバーのメンテナンス) : isLandcenter 非番中 : http://islandcnt.exblog.jp/237825959/
shutdown /s /t 0
    一発でシャットダウンするショートカット(shutdown コマンド・アイコン)(Windows 10・8.1) : http://iwakuni.info/archives/1300
shutdown /s /t 20
    shutdown(パソコンをシャットダウン、再起動、ログオフする) : http://jj-blues.com/cms/command-shutdown/
shutdown /s /t 0
    ダブルクリックするだけで、パソコンの電源を切る方法 : http://kanntann.com/shutdown
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    シャットダウンと完全シャットダウンの違い!Windows10パソコンの電源を完全に切るための方法まとめ! : http://kiyotatsu.com/pcinfra14/
shutdown /s /t0
    【Windows】シャットダウンのショートカットを作成して簡単に電源をオフにする方法 | コトノバ : http://kotonova.com/1734
shutdown /s always fully shuts down the computer
    Shutdown and Fast startup in Windows 8 – Let IT know : http://letitknow.wordpress.com/2012/08/26/shutdown-and-fast-startup-in-windows-8/
shutdown /s /t 0
    PCシャットダウン時の「バックグラウンドプログラムの終了を待機しています」の対処方法 - NAVER まとめ : http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2135100321171925001
shutdown /s /f /t 120 /c
    Use the Remote Shutdown Tool to Shutdown, Restart, or Logoff a Local or Networked Computer - MAXIMUMpcguides - Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides — MAXIMUMpcguides – Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides : http://maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/use-the-remote-shutdown-tool-to-shutdown-restart-or-logoff-a-local-or-networked-computer/
shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0
    シャットダウンができるショートカットを作成する方法 - 道すがら講堂 : http://michisugara.jp/archives/2013/shutdown.html
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows7を「Windows U U」でシャットダウンする | Multimedia Lab. : http://mtechlab.blogspot.com/2012/01/windows7-shutdown-shortcut.html
shutdown /s /f /m \\ComputerName /t 60 /c "PC will be tuned off in 60 sec"
    How to Remotely Shutdown Computers on Network - Tips & Tricks : http://network-shutdown.com/remotely-shutdown-computers-on-network
shutdown /s /t 0
    EZ-NET: リモート先の Windows 8 をシャットダウンする : Windows 8 の使い方 : http://network.station.ez-net.jp/os/windows8/remote/power.asp
shutdown /s /t 300
    Auto-Shutdown Hyper-V free with UPS – Office Line : http://officeline.gr/2016/12/09/auto-shutdown-hyper-v-free-with-ups/
shutdown /s /t 0
    【Windows】電源オフ時のWindows Updateを回避する - Man On a Mission : http://oplern.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/02/28/215906
shutdown /s /t 0
    shutdownコマンド実行の残り時間の確認 -win7 ultimateを使用していま- Windows 7 | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/2838695.html
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    Windows10 - 完全シャットダウンの実行(PCの電源を切る) - PC設定のカルマ : http://pc-karuma.net/windows-10-full-shutdown/
shutdown /s /f /t 0 /m \\fukuoka /d p:1:1
    インフラ情報まとめ Windows Server 2008R2 リモートシャットダウン、再起動(shutdown) : http://pcmemorin.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1370.html
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows 7をリモートから使うためのTips(リモートデスクトップ,ファイル共有等) : http://pgkiss.web.fc2.com/windows/win7/remote.html
shutdown /s /t
    Windows、指定時間経過後にPCをシャットダウンするバッチファイルを作成する|マコトのおもちゃ箱 〜ぼへぼへ自営業者の技術メモ〜 : http://piyopiyocs.blog115.fc2.com/blog-entry-891.html
shutdown /s /t 0"
    Windows 8 をワンクリックでシャットダウンするスクリプトファイルを作成 | でじまみ - 楽天ブログ : http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/mscrtf/diary/201305170000/
shutdown /s /t 0
    Adding Shutdown And Restart To Windows 8.1 Start Screen : http://prajwaldesai.com/adding-shutdown-and-restart-to-windows-8-1-start-screen/
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    CCN かさなる相談室 - shutdownコマンドについて : http://qa.ccn-catv.co.jp/qa5013780.html
shutdown /s /t 0
    コマンドラインからすばやくWindowsを再起動・シャットダウンする - Qiita : http://qiita.com/rohinomiya/items/7e67ca10656891f8a985
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows10でシャットダウンする3つの方法 : http://re-cyberrat.info/windows10_shutdown_3pattern
shutdown /s /f /t 0" - that is forcing full shutdown.... not hybrid one needed for fast boot..
     [Issues] High CPU Voltage on auto settings and RAM Problems [Archive] - ASUS Republic of Gamers [ROG] | The Choice of Champions Overclocking, PC Gaming, PC Modding, Support, Guides, Advice : http://rog.asus.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-87825.html
shutdown /s /t 10
    Windows 10 コマンド シャットダウン・再起動 など: Jkun Blog : http://s.jkunblog.com/article/177044025.html
shutdown /s /t 0
  : http://sbataille.berjisan66.com/sbataille_blog/2017/10/27/windows-10-fall-creators-update-驍オ・コ繝サ98・エ%81繝サ・ョ繝サ・ス・シ%93/
shutdown /s command is a script to do just that. The user receives a notification saying their computer will shut down in one minute. If you are performing the command remotely
    Shut down a computer with shutdown /s - Top Windows command-line commands : http://searchenterprisedesktop.techtarget.com/photostory/4500257330/Top-Windows-command-line-commands/4/Shut-down-a-computer-with-shutdown-s
shutdown /s /t 1
    The Winnti honeypot luring intruders - Securelist : http://securelist.com/the-winnti-honeypot-luring-intruders/35623/
shutdown /s /c
    c:\>shutdown /s /c "今はただ眠りなさい・・・" / TK@豚熊 さんのイラスト - ニコニコ静画 (イラスト) : http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im3936743
shutdown /s /m \\computername /t 0
    remote - How can I remotly shutdown a windows machine - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/2391/how-can-i-remotly-shutdown-a-windows-machine
shutdown /s /f
    [Win10] コマンドプロンプトからシャットダウンや再起動をする方法 | エンジニアの休日 : http://shnk38.com/pc/how-to-win/win10-cmd-shutdown-reboot/
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows10 Fall Creators Updateしたら「このアプリがシャットダウンを妨げています」がDell〜 : http://shonai-tsukaeru.info/fallcreatorsupdate/
shutdown /s shutdown system shutdown /g to reopen most applications that were previously open There are a number of other more detailed switches for shutting down remote computers
     Shutdown command (cmd) not working : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/91fd97b0-44ae-4623-8312-441f29f8705b/shutdown-command-cmd-not-working@forum=W8ITProPreRel
shutdown /s /m \\computername
    Remotely shutdown a Windows machine - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12133262/remotely-shutdown-a-windows-machine
shutdown /s <- will shut down the pc normally
    windows 10 - Script to turn fast startup on/off - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1265492/script-to-turn-fast-startup-on-off
shutdown /s /f
    shutdownコマンド | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/article/COLUMN/20060830/246773/
shutdown /s /t 0
    Restart or Shutdown Windows OS from Command Line or One-Click Shortcut - Tech Journey : http://techjourney.net/restart-or-shutdown-windows-os-from-command-line-or-one-click-shortcut/
shutdown /s /t 0 in the location box and click Next
    How to Quickly Start and Shutdown Windows 8 PC : http://techpp.com/2013/02/04/windows-8-quick-start-shutdown/
shutdown /s /t 0
     KB00409 - Automatically shutting down the PI Server when shutting down Windows : http://techsupport.osisoft.com/Troubleshooting/KB/KB00409
shutdown /s /m \\server
    CentOS - ユーザにパスワードなしでshutdownを許可したい(sudo, centos6)o(72647)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/34665
shutdown /s /t 0 then press Enter
    How to easily shutdown or restart Windows over Remote Desktop Connection | TinkerTry IT @ Home : http://tinkertry.com/how-to-shutdown-or-restart-windows-over-rdp
shutdown /s /t 30
    Windows をリブート、シャットダウンする8通りの方法 : http://tooljp.com/Windows10/doc/method/shutdown-reboot/how-to-reboot.html
shutdown /s /t 0
    poweroff【コマンド】とは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 : http://wa3.i-3-i.info/word13835.html
shutdown /s /t 0
    デスクトップからもスタート画面からもワンタッチ、シャットダウンや再起動のショートカットを作る | Windows8 Room : http://win8room.net/2012/11/24/456.html
shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0
    Create Shutdown, Restart, Hibernate and Sleep Shortcuts in Windows 10 : http://winaero.com/blog/create-shutdown-restart-hibernate-and-sleep-shortcuts-in-windows-10/
shutdown /s /t 0
    リモートデスクトップで再起動やシャットダウンを実行する | 社内SEになったクマの話 : http://wingard.jugem.jp/@eid=13
shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0
     第17回 素早い起動を可能にする「高速スタートアップ」:Windows 8レボリューション - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1303/21/news107.html
shutdown /s /m \\PC123 /t 20
    MS-DOS shutdown command help : http://www.computerhope.com/shutdown.htm
shutdown /s /t 60 /m \\"
    Guy's Scripting Ezine 45 - VBScript to Shutdown a computer in OU : http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/ezine/ezine45.htm
shutdown /s /t 0 /hybrid
    Windows 10のデスクトップとタスクバーに「クリック一発でシャットダウン」できるショートカットを設置する方法 | カキタクナッタラ : http://www.d-3.site/entry/2017/04/30/090000
shutdown /s with shutdown /r. To learn about all the available parameters for this command just type shutdown in Command Prompt or PowerShell
    8 ways to shut down or restart a Windows 10 computer or device | Digital Citizen : http://www.digitalcitizen.life/7-ways-shut-down-or-restart-windows-10-pc-or-device
shutdown /s /t 0
    C/C++ program to shutdown or turn off computer : http://www.firmcodes.com/cc-program-shutdown-turn-off-computer/
shutdown /s -- The shutdown command. This shuts down the computer when you run it
    How to use the Windows shutdown command - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2017/05/22/how-to-use-the-windows-shutdown-command/
shutdown /s /t 1800
    Windowsのシャットダウン タイマーを設定(一定時間後に停止)する方法 : http://www.haruru29.net/blog/how-to-set-shutdown-timer/
shutdown /s /m \\chris-laptop /t 30 /c
    How to Remotely Shut Down or Restart Windows PCs  : http://www.howtogeek.com/109655/how-to-remotely-shut-down-or-restart-windows-pcs/
shutdown /s /t 0" (without the quotes) in the window that appears
    How to Shut Down Windows 8 (Full Shutdown and Normal Hybrid Shutdown) (howtohaven.com) : http://www.howtohaven.com/system/how-to-shutdown-windows-8.shtml
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    2 Ways to Perform a Full Shutdown in Windows 10 : http://www.isumsoft.com/windows-10/2-ways-to-perform-a-full-shutdown.html
shutdown /s /t 10
    Windows 7 Shutdown Command – IT Support Guides : http://www.itsupportguides.com/knowledge-base/windows-7/windows-7-shutdown-command/
shutdown /s /c
    【windows 8/8.1】 コマンドを使用してデスクトップに電源ボタンのショートカット作成してみよう! : http://www.japan-secure.com/entry/blog-entry-375.html
shutdown /s /t 0 (that's a zero) in the location box and hit Next
    How to Shut Down Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 In Just One Click : http://www.laptopmag.com/articles/how-to-shutdown-windows-8-in-just-one-click
shutdown /s /f /t 0. You can not use this option with/t
    Shutdown Command (Examples, Options, Switches, and More) : http://www.lifewire.com/shutdown-command-2618100
shutdown /s /full / t 0
    Windows 8 Consumer Preview の完全なシャットダウン方法 – マキシマ文庫 : http://www.makisima.org/v3/2012/03/02/windows-8-cp-shutdown-full/
shutdown /s /m \\Lab-1-1 /t 600 /f /c "Please save all work. Lab is being shut down."
    Remote Shutdown Question - Windows Server Support - Neowin : http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/548043-remote-shutdown-question/
shutdown /s /t 1
    Windows Updateなしでシャットダウン | netanote.com : http://www.netanote.com/2015/03/shutdown-without-windows-update/
shutdown /s - to shutdown the computer
    How Many Ways to Shut Down and Restart Your Windows 10 Computer | Next of Windows : http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-shutdown-or-restart-a-windows-pc-from-remote-desktop-session
shutdown /s /full / t 0
    How to Perform a Complete Shutdown in Windows 8 : http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-8/perform-a-complete-shutdown-in-windows-8/
shutdown /s /t 20 /c "You Have 20 Seconds To Save Your Work or 15 Seconds to Double-Click the Continue Button
    Pecos SWW<>Creating a Shutdown/Sleep/Restart or Continue Icon For the Vista (and XP) Desktop : http://www.pecos-softwareworks.com/vista_icons.shtml
shutdown /s /d 1:1
    What's Shutdown Event Tracker on Windows Server 2003? - Petri : http://www.petri.com/whats_shutdown_event_tracker_on_windows_server_2003
shutdown /s /c "
    「GはSHUTDOWN」の人気イラストやマンガ・画像 | pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php@mode=medium&illust_id=42970480
shutdown /s /t 0". If you wish to restart your computer
    C program to shut down or turn off computer | Programming Simplified : http://www.programmingsimplified.com/c-program-shutdown-computer
shutdown /s /
    How to Perform Power Operations Through the CLI | QualiTest : http://www.qualitestgroup.com/resources/knowledge-center/how-to-guide/perform-power-operations-cli/
shutdown /s (shuts down at 16:30 local time)
    Why does my laptop do not shutdown properly? - Quora : http://www.quora.com/Can-I-set-a-timer-on-my-PC-to-shut-it-down-How
shutdown /s /t 0
    Cron job to shut down at a set time - Raspberry Pi Forums : http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=109028
shutdown /s /f
    5 Methods to Shutdown Remote Computers from LAN or WAN 窶「 Raymond.CC - Page 2 : http://www.raymond.cc/blog/how-to-remotely-turn-off-computer-from-lan-or-wan/2/
shutdown /s /f /t 0" and it is definitely better. :)
    Fall Creators Update is causing shutdown to take a lot longer : Windows10 : http://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/7bbn48/fall_creators_update_is_causing_shutdown_to_take/
    Shutdown Computers from Command Line » Robert Borges Blog : http://www.robertborges.us/2013/07/windows/shutdown-computers-from-command-line/
SHUTDOWN /s /t 60 /c "Shutdown in progress
    Batch files - Shutdown and Reboot : http://www.robvanderwoude.com/shutdown.php
shutdown /s /f /m \\server ip /c "PowerChute has initiated a system shutdown" /t 0 Users should enter the proper ip address of their server and should adjust the /t (time delay) to meet their needs
     Command file is not running within PowerChute: How to check correct syntax usage. : http://www.schneider-electric.co.jp/en/faqs/FA159586/
shutdown /s /t 0
    【Windows】リモートデスクトップ先のマシンを再起動、シャットダウンしたい at softelメモ : http://www.softel.co.jp/blogs/tech/archives/3779
shutdown /s /t 3 /m \\kyras_vaio
     How-to : Pass a username and password to Windows shutdown.exe command. : http://www.squidworks.net/2011/07/how-to-pass-a-username-and-password-to-windows-shutdown-exe-command/
shutdown /s /t 0"
    C program to shutdown Windows/Linux Machine | C Programs | Studytonight : http://www.studytonight.com/c/programs/misc/windows-shutdown-program
Shutdown /s /t 0
    How Windows 8 Hybrid Shutdown / Fast Boot feature works - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/how-windows-8-hybrid-shutdown-fast-boot-feature-works/
shutdown /s as previous versions did
    Shutdown time - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/96983-shutdown-time.html
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    Shutdown options in Windows 10/8/7 using the Command Prompt : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/force-full-shutdown-fully-reinitialize-windows-8
shutdown /s /t 0 /hybrid
    Windows 10 便利なシャットダウンの方法 : http://www.tipsfound.com/windows10/03009
shutdown /s -t 10320 command in place but i have hibernated my computer
    I have a shutdown /s -t 10320 command in place but i have hibernated my computer. - Notebooks - Laptop Tech Support : http://www.tomsguide.com/answers/id-2218445/shutdown-10320-command-place-hibernated-computer.html
Shutdown /s /hybrid
    Can't Wake On LAN after using using the "SHUTDOWN -s" command - [Solved] - Windows 8 : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2542721/wake-lan-using-shutdown-command.html
SHUTDOWN /s /f /t 0
    Batch File Shutdown Commands - Shutdown, Reboot And Logoff : http://www.trytoprogram.com/batch-file/shutdown-commands/
shutdown /s /t 0
    Windows IoT CoreのPower ShellでRaspberry Pi2に接続 : http://www.usagi1975.com/26152046/
shutdown /s /t 45 will create a shortcut that shuts down after 45 seconds
    How to Remotely Shutdown a Computer (with Pictures) - wikiHow : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Shutdown-Shortcut-in-Windows
shutdown /s /t 3600
    How to Shutdown Windows : http://www.windows-commandline.com/how-to-shutdown-windows/
shutdown /s then it's fine
    Windows 10 weird issue after first boot | Windows 10 Forums : http://www.windows10forums.com/threads/windows-10-weird-issue-after-first-boot.15847/
shutdown /s /f /t 0
    How to Full Shutdown Windows 10, 8.1 or 8 to extend battery's life or to reinitialize Windows. - wintips.org - Windows Tips & How-tos : http://www.wintips.org/full-shutdown-windows-10-8-1-8/
Shutdown /s /fw - This option performs a full shutdown
    Windows 10 tip: Take full control over how your PC shuts down | ZDNet : http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-tip-take-full-control-over-how-your-pc-shuts-down/

shutdown のオプション一覧