takeown /D オプション
takeown /D Y /SKIPSL /R /F |
Unable to Launch Game - Technical Support & Help - Forza Motorsport Forums : http://forums.forzamotorsport.net/turn10_postsm787617_posts.aspx |
takeown /d y will strip out the existing rights on some folders |
Taking ownership without removing existing user rights : http://www.edugeek.net/forums/scripts/75200-taking-ownership-without-removing-existing-user-rights.html |
Takeown /d Y /R /f "C:\Windows\Temp\ |
Creating windows base images using Packer and Boxstarter Hurry Up and Wait! : http://www.hurryupandwait.io/blog/creating-a-windows-server-2016-vagrant-box-with-chef-and-packer |
Takeown /d Y /R /f "C:\Windows\Temp\ |
PowerShell Gallery | WindowsBox.Compact.psm1 0.6 : http://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/WindowsBox.Compact/0.6/Content/WindowsBox.Compact.psm1 |