takeown /S オプション
TAKEOWN /S system /F MyShare\Acme |
Need to take ownership of multiple files or folders in Windows Server 2008? | ASPNetFAQ.com: What is ASP.NET? : http://aspnetfaq.com/need-to-take-ownership-of-multiple-files-or-folders-in-windows-server-2008/ |
takeown /s pc01 /u user01 /f .\testdir /r |
二天一流 – Just another WordPress site : http://dokukobura.mydns.jp/blog/ |
takeown /s jimswork8 /u Everyone /f c:\test /R /D Y |
command line interface - Is it possible to Takeown.exe of a folder for the "Everyone" user, on Windows - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/523430/is-it-possible-to-takeown-exe-of-a-folder-for-the-everyone-user-on-windows |
takeown /s Fileserver01.contoso.com /f \\Fileserver01\sales /u contoso\john /P /r /d y |
Assigning ownership of files and folders with Takeown.exe - ShabazTech : http://shabaztech.com/assigning-ownership-files-folders-takeown-exe/ |
takeown /s %PC_Name% /f %Windir%\fonts /a |
Issue with implementing group policy to allow users to install Fonts : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/fc178004-d0b0-40c3-b41a-da8129c8d3ef/issue-with-implementing-group-policy-to-allow-users-to-install-fonts@forum=winserverGP |
takeown /s \\profile-server /f e:\Profiles\%username% /r /d Y |
batch file - CMD - Takeown giving "The data area passed to a system call is too small" - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30753877/cmd-takeown-giving-the-data-area-passed-to-a-system-call-is-too-small |
takeown /S [Computer Name] /U [User Name] /F [My Folder] /R /D Y' under Administrator. The output messages showed OK." |
windows 7 - Can't TAKEOWN on C: on Admin account - Super User : http://superuser.com/q/542112 |
TAKEOWN /S system /F MyShare\Acme |
Wang Pidong's Homepage: 2010 : http://wangpidong.blogspot.com/2010/ |
TAKEOWN /S system /F MyShare\Acme |
Files are Locked Can't Delete Use TakeOwn EXE and Delete the Files - anoopcnair.com : http://www.anoopcnair.com/takeown-exe-work-windows-10/ |
TAKEOWN /S system /F MyShare\Acme |
Fonts Folder Permission - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/25643-please-help-full-control-permissions.html |
takeown /s %computername% /u %username% /f "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Desktop" /r /d y |
How to take ownership of system files via CMD? Solved - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/general-support/18890-how-take-ownership-system-files-via-cmd.html |
takeown /s localhost /u "NT Service/TrustedInstaller" /f "%windir%\winsxs\Catalogs" |
Restore TrustedInstaller as Owner of a File using cmd - Windows Server 2008 - www.windows-noob.com : http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/3610-restore-trustedinstaller-as-owner-of-a-file-using-cmd/ |