コマンドオプションサンプル:tasklist /APPS


tasklist /APPS オプション

TASKLIST /APPS /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING" TASKLIST /M wbem : http://support.moonpoint.com/os/windows/commands/tasklist.txt
tasklist /apps /fi "status eq running"    List All Running Store Apps With Process ID and Package Name Using Tasklist.exe : http://www.winhelponline.com/blog/tasklist-apps-list-store-apps-pid-package-name/
TASKLIST /APPS /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING"    taskkill と tasilist の違い : http://tooljp.com/windows/chigai/html/Windows/taskkill-tasklist-chigai.html
TASKLIST /APPS /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING"    tasklist ( Windows ) - han*****のブログ - Yahoo!ブログ : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hana_momo555/57943995.html@__ysp=InRhc2tsaXN0IC9BUFBTIg==
TASKLIST /APPS /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING"    vthinforie : http://turbo.net/containers/youki4cd/24d2a5b5148f4febba018e1530fa58ae
tasklist /apps /fi "STATUS eq SUSPENDED"    c# - How to get the status of apps in Win8.1 task manager? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30434876/how-to-get-the-status-of-apps-in-win8-1-task-manager