コマンドオプションサンプル:tasklist /SVC


tasklist /SVC オプション

tasklist /svc - if there are any OTHER services in your lsass process    lsass.exe using lots of CPU--WTF is it? - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@t=176010
tasklist /SVC - list of active processes with services in each process    Useful Command Line Commands : http://www.mysysadmintips.com/windows/clients/14-useful-command-line-commands
tasklist /svc See also: Link    Windows process and task list - s : http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/process/svchost.exe.html
TASKLIST /SVC (there's a space in there.)    Regedit; msconfig & Task Mgr windows won't stay open - Forums - CNET : http://www.cnet.com/forums/discussions/regedit-msconfig-task-mgr-windows-won-t-stay-open-32310/
tasklist /svc /fi "    ■ - iyuichiの私的開発ログ : http://iyuichi.hatenablog.jp/entry/20090209/1234170144
TASKLIST /SVC /FI "IMAGENAME eq btsnt    SCOM reporting: performance details for BizTalk - Codit : http://www.codit.eu/blog/2012/04/11/scom-reporting-performance-details-for-biztalk/
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq btsntsvc.exe"     How-to: Find the host that BTSNTSVC.exe belongs to - Be Logical - writings by Johan Hedberg : http://blogical.se/blogs/johan/archive/2008/01/25/how-to-find-the-host-that-btsntsvc-exe-belongs-to.aspx
tasklist /svc /FI "IMAGENAME eq lsass.exe"    6.7. Viewing the Properties of a Process - Windows Server Cookbook [Book] : http://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/windows-server-cookbook/0596006330/ch06s07.html
tasklist /svc /FI "IMAGENAME eq svchost.ex"e    Top 10 Windows Built-In Command Line Tools : http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-identify-what-programs-started-svchostexe-in-windows.html
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe" >> 0     Web pages disappearing - Tech Support Forum : http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f338/huge-cpu-and-slow-internet-1150385.html
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe" and press the enter key. You will see a list of the processes on your computer as well as the services that a SVCHOST.EXE process is managing. This can be seen in the image below    How to determine what services are running under a SVCHOST.EXE process : http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/list-services-running-under-svchostexe-process/
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe" Image Name PID Services ========================= ====== ============================================= svchost.exe 1048 DcomLaunch : http://www.willharper.com/documents/de-mystify-task-list.txt
tasklist /SVC /FI "IMAGENAME eq svchost.exe"    WindowsのDOSコマンド(Hishidama's Windows DOS-command Memo) : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hishidama/home/tech/windows/command.html
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe". Restated in something closer to English    Understanding What You See - Head Off Spyware, Viruses and Malware | PCMag.com : http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1786744,00.asp
tasklist /svc /fi "IMAGENAME eq svchost.exe"     List running processes on command prompt [Archive] - Cloud and Dedicated Server Hosting Forum by bodHOST : http://forums.bodhost.com/archive/index.php/t-1633.html
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"    Das Blinken Lichten · Demystifying the svchost.exe process (and finding out what process is actually running under it) : http://www.dasblinkenlichten.com/demystifying-the-svchost-exe-process-and-finding-out-what-process-is-actually-running-under-it/
tasklist /SVC /FI "IMAGENAME eq SVCHOST.EXE"    Exploring New Limits For Windows' Task Manager (Through The Command Line) : http://ma.ttias.be/exploring-new-limits-for-windows-task-manager-through-the-command-line/
tasklist /SVC /FI "IMAGENAME eq svchost.exe"    Getting Started with SVCHOST.EXE Troubleshooting | Ask the Performance Team Blog : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askperf/2008/01/11/getting-started-with-svchost-exe-troubleshooting/
Tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"    How to separate out .DLL based services that use a shared generic service host process name (svchost.exe) for troubleshooting… – Vista knowledge from the OEM team and others… : http://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsvistanow/2009/01/30/how-to-separate-out-dll-based-services-that-use-a-shared-generic-service-host-process-name-svchost-exe-for-troubleshooting/
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"    Managing Windows Programs from the Command Line- Tasklist : http://commandwindows.com/tasklist.htm
TASKLIST /SVC /FI "IMAGENAME EQ SVCHOST.EXE"    WiredPrairie: How to identify what's really running as SVCHOST.EXE on XP+ : http://www.wiredprairie.us/journal/2006/10/how_to_identify_whats_really_r.html
tasklist /SVC /FI "PID 3276" RETURNS THIS MESSAGE - The search filter cannot be recognized    DISCUSSION: Guide:: Install Local Uniform Testserver & Joomla! in 20 easy steps! - Page 3 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support : http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php@t=37424&start=60
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq "    公益社団法人 日本麻酔科学会|JSA PIMSヘルプデスク : http://www.jsa-pims.org/faq/top.html
tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq %pid%"    Port Archives - Jestersoft Software Engineering : http://www.jestersoft.nl/tag/port/
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq [PID]"    けろけろCoder:Windowsで特定のポート番号を使用しているプログラムを特定する方法 : http://blog.livedoor.jp/kerorou/archives/38275141.html
tasklist /SVC /FI "PID eq "     Mail Express Server Admininstration portal requires that port 443 is available for the Mail Express Server IP address : http://kb.globalscape.com/KnowledgebaseArticle10636.aspx
tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 11148"    Find Windows processes listening on a port 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/christopher-hopper/9062118
TASKLIST /SVC /FI "PID eq 1234"    Using TASKLIST to check your Windows Services | The Core Technologies Blog : http://www.coretechnologies.com/blog/miscellaneous/using-tasklist-to-check-windows-services/
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq 17288"    BitnamiRedmineのApacheだけ起動できない問題: 「おっ」と思った小技帳 : http://desilysis.seesaa.net/article/445898990.html
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq 3740"    ksaitoの日記: Windowsでポートを使っているプログラムを調べる方法 : http://ksaito11.blogspot.com/2009/03/windows.html
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq 4"    80ポートの使用アプリ | TECLIFE - 楽天ブログ : http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/teclife/diary/201509150000/
tasklist /svc /fi "pid eq 624"    Tasklist command : http://www.windows-commandline.com/tasklist-command/
tasklist /svc /fi "pid eq 6880"    DOS Tasklist and Taskkill Commands : http://bucarotechelp.com/computers/winadmin/81111901.asp
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq      Windows XP で、どのプログラムがポートを占有しているか調べる方法 :: 42.Windows :: Pocketstudio'z log : http://pocketstudio.jp/log2/2009/07/windows_xp.html
tasklist /svc /fi "PID eq    WindowsでプロセスIDに該当するサービスを確認する | ハックノート : http://hacknote.jp/archives/8444/
tasklist /svc /fi "services eq StateRepository"    Uninstall Cortana from Windows 10 - Page 6 - Windows 10 - MSFN : http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174344-uninstall-cortana-from-windows-10/@page=6
tasklist /svc /fi "SERVICES eq    powershell - How to get process id by its service name with a script to variable - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26331183/how-to-get-process-id-by-its-service-name-with-a-script-to-variable
tasklist /SVC /FI "status eq not responding"    Is there any way to monitor the window's proces... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/85738@start=0&tstart=0
tasklist /svc /fi    BizTalk process and Service name relation.Francois Malgreve – .Net, BizTalk, Azure – Bangkok, Brussels, Dublin : http://www.malgreve.net/2007/07/16/biztalk-process-and-service-name-relation/
tasklist /SVC /fi    Exploring svchost.exe Part 2 : http://techtalk.gfi.com/exploring-svchostexe-part-2/
tasklist /svc /fi    Find the SQL Server Instance name using Task Manager | SQL Server DBA Diaries : http://www.sqldbadiaries.com/2011/01/04/find-the-sql-server-instance-name-using-task-manager/
tasklist /svc /fi    Fix RDP on Windows 2003 without reboot. : http://winteladmin.com/fix-rdp-windows-2003-without-reboot/
tasklist /svc /FI    forum.vdsworld.com :: View topic - Tasklist in windows 7 64 bits : http://www.vdsworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php@p=38241
tasklist /SVC /FI    How to Close Unused Open Ports - Acunetix : http://www.acunetix.com/blog/articles/close-unused-open-ports/
tasklist /SVC /fi    How to determine the process ID of BizTalk Host Instances with PowerShell – SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG : http://blog.sandro-pereira.com/2012/05/03/how-to-determine-the-process-id-of-biztalk-host-instances-with-powershell/
tasklist /svc /fi    How to Fix Svchost.exe High CPU Usage : http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/how-to-fix-svchostexe-errors-and-problems-with-high-cpu-usage/
tasklist /svc /fi    How to identify the PID of a business process – Dragon's BizTalk Blog : http://dragondesignsite.wordpress.com/2016/12/13/how-to-identify-the-pid-of-a-business-process/
tasklist /svc /fi    How to restart RDP without rebooting windows | The Regime : http://theregime.wordpress.com/2013/05/16/how-to-restart-rdp-without-rebooting-windows/
tasklist /svc /fi    Penetration Testing: Stopping an Unstoppable Windows Service : http://blog.netspi.com/penetration-testing-stopping-an-unstoppable-windows-service/
tasklist /svc /fi    PVS Server shows down in console even though StreamService is running : http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX128749
tasklist /svc /fi    Which Windows Service is hiding behind the process SvcHost.exe? – PepperCrew : http://www.peppercrew.nl/index.php/2014/05/windows-service-hiding-behind-process-svchost-exe/
tasklist /svc /FI    Windows – The Dark Times : http://www.thedarktimes.us/wordpress/@cat=7
tasklist /svc /fi    Windows Server 2003: How to restart the Terminal Services service | Basics for Computer Nerds! : http://basics.net/2013/08/28/windows-server-2003-how-to-restart-the-terminal-services-service/
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST TASKLIST /M wbem    !DOSバッチファイル : http://www.sage-p.com/vbslib/vbslib.files/dos_batch.files/dos_batch_06.html
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST TASKLIST /APPS /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING" TASKLIST /M wbem : http://support.moonpoint.com/os/windows/commands/tasklist.txt
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    "tasklist" command output is lost via psexec - Sysinternals Forums : http://forum.sysinternals.com/cmdline-replacement_topic26771.html
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    [DOS] tasklist - プロセスの一覧を表示: みズとおかズ : http://okazu.air-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/dos-tasklist---.html
tasklist /SVC /FO LIST    CRWinNetDiag | CRnetPACKETS : http://crnetpackets.com/2015/06/03/why-i-needed-a-tool-like-crwinnetdiag/
Tasklist /svc /fo list    Decipher Svchost processes in Windows with Svchost Viewer - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/decipher-svchost-processes-in-windows-with-svchost-viewer/
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    DOS Command Index : http://www.dostips.com/DosCommandIndex.htm
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    DOSコマンドリファレンス » TASKLIST : http://support.koekatamarin.com/dos/tasklist/
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    Nifty tools for Windows Server troubleshooting - Bobcares : http://bobcares.com/blog/nifty-tools-for-windows-server-troubleshooting/
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    taskkill と tasilist の違い : http://tooljp.com/windows/chigai/html/Windows/taskkill-tasklist-chigai.html
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    tasklist ( Windows ) - han*****のブログ - Yahoo!ブログ : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hana_momo555/57943995.html@__ysp=InRhc2tsaXN0IC9BUFBTIg==
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    TASKLIST | dosprompt.info : http://dosprompt.info/commands/tasklist.asp
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    tasklist | Windowsコマンド : http://so-zou.jp/software/tool/system/command-prompt/command/tasklist.htm
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    vthinforie : http://turbo.net/containers/youki4cd/24d2a5b5148f4febba018e1530fa58ae
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    Windows 7 Processes - Run "tasklist.exe" Command on Windows 7? : http://windows.fyicenter.com/3491_Run_tasklist.exe_Command_on_Windows_7@.html
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    windows コマンドプロンプト: TASKLIST : http://windows-cmd.blogspot.com/2011/03/tasklist.html
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    コマンドプロンプト その他のコマンド : http://pasofaq.jp/windows/command/other7.htm
TASKLIST /SVC /FO LIST    パソコン メモ: コマンド プロンプト TASKLIST : http://ubweb.info/pcmemo/kiji/mbA590.html
tasklist /SVC /FO TABLE /FI    What is svchost.exe? Is it a virus? Can I kill it? - fixedByVonnie : http://www.fixedbyvonnie.com/2014/05/svchost-exe-virus-can-kill/
tasklist /SVC /FO TABLE    svchost.exe (netsvcs) 1,000,000k+ memory usage | Windows Forum : http://windowsforum.com/threads/svchost-exe-netsvcs-1-000-000k-memory-usage.216395/
tasklist /svc /PI "PID eq 988"    FileCloud not starting on Windows - FileCloud - FileCloud Support : http://www.getfilecloud.com/supportdocs/display/cloud/FileCloud+not+starting+on+Windows
tasklist /svc /v    tlist command OpenText - Community : http://communities.opentext.com/forums/discussion/34405/tlist-command
tasklist /svc > c:tasks.txt    Is There a Memory Leak in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011? | Encore Business Solutions : http://www.encorebusiness.com/blog/is-there-a-memory-leak-with-microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011/
tasklist /svc > tasklist_svc.txt    Windowsの各種情報収集を行うバッチ - Qiita : http://qiita.com/gitya107/items/ea232bd56dc82c5a5ba2
tasklist /svc > tasks.txt echo    IBM (参考)IBM WebSphere Portal における Unified Task List (UTL) ポートレットの複数の脆弱性に対する修正(CVE-2014-3054, CVE-2014-3055, CVE-2014-3056, CVE-2014-3057) - United States : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss@uid=swg21579969&aid=1
tasklist /svc >    How to use custom command alert actions in ApexSQL Monitor - Knowledgebase : http://knowledgebase.apexsql.com/use-custom-command-alert-actions-apexsql-monitor/
tasklist /svc >> output.txt    Open Security Research: Am I pwn3d? Windows *Native* Tool Triage : http://blog.opensecurityresearch.com/2012/05/am-i-pwn3d-windows-native-tool-triage.html
tasklist /svc >c:\taskList.txt    Description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP : http://www.winhelponline.com/xp/svchost.htm
tasklist /svc >filename.txt    What is svchost, and why is there more than one copy running? : http://ask-leo.com/what_is_svchost_and_why_is_there_more_than_one_copy_running.html
tasklist /SVC and it came up with a myriad of different svchost.exe programs each with a different PID.To narrow it down    A single svchost.exe process is constantly running taking up 50% CPU and 1GB memory (PID 912) - [Solved] - Windows 7 : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2721153/single-svchost-exe-process-constantly-running-taking-cpu-1gb-memory-pid-912.html
tasklist /svc and press enter    Information and help with Windows svchost.exe : http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000517.htm
tasklist /SVC AND tasklist /FI "imagename eq svchost.exe" /svc update your question with the results    windows - Two Tasks Running With No Name - Information Security Stack Exchange : http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/141749/two-tasks-running-with-no-name
TASKLIST /svc because it shows top-level executables and the services running under them. Figure 2 shows an example    Master and Command Line -- Redmondmag.com : http://redmondmag.com/articles/2004/10/01/master-and-command-line.aspx
tasklist /svc command.1    Group: Turla, Waterbug - enterprise : http://attack.mitre.org/wiki/Group/G0010
Tasklist /SVC command    Manually kill a process in windows ~ Technical Essentials : http://ramannanda.blogspot.com/2009/05/manually-kill-process-in-windows.html
tasklist /SVC in the command prompt to get the background info    "High Disk Write Usage by: Host Process for Windows Services" | Norton Community : http://community.norton.com/en/forums/high-disk-write-usage-host-process-windows-services
tasklist /svc Lists processes and their accompanying service    Network Penetration Testing | TofC: www.networkpentest.net : http://www.networkpentest.net/p/windows-command-list.html
tasklist /svc netstat ano 6 netstat ano    CLR/H in Tokyo 第 7 回 - System Center Data Protection Manager の DPMRA … : http://www.slideshare.net/kogesaka/clrht07-kogesaka-20141220
tasklist /svc next time it happens and try kill bfe and restart the firewall. It was the only way I could get my servers fully operational without a restart    Server 2012 R2 - Ping 'freeze' due to WFP plugin : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4idv4a/server_2012_r2_ping_freeze_due_to_wfp_plugin/
tasklist /svc on Windows XP Pro and 2003 systems and tlist -s on Windows 2000 systems    Live Response: Collecting Volatile Data (Windows Forensic Analysis) Part 3 : http://what-when-how.com/windows-forensic-analysis/live-response-collecting-volatile-data-windows-forensic-analysis-part-3/
Tasklist /svc returns all Services    OS Tex: Separate out a service from SVCHOST.exe (and Superfetch) : http://oliverslay.blogspot.com/2015/03/separate-out-service-from-svchostexe.html
tasklist /svc shows RpcSs is the culprit    windows server 2003 - svchost.exe runs at 90% CPU, tasklist /svc shows RpcSs is the culprit - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/229800/svchost-exe-runs-at-90-cpu-tasklist-svc-shows-rpcss-is-the-culprit.1
tasklist /svc synology-block-lvl-synch sys-restore-Win2k8r2 ubu-upg sudo do-release-upgrade Win8 to Win8.1 upgrade WinDevMgrErrCode31 wp-custom-post-type wp archive xhtml    svchost.exe-groups:tasklist /svc | pwrusr.com : http://www.pwrusr.com/tag/svchost-exe-groupstasklist-svc
tasklist /SVC to determine which services are mapped to that process. You can then begin troubleshooting which service is causing the CPU load    Match running Windows Services to Processes and CPU Use : http://www.puryear-it.com/finding-which-service-maps-to-each-svchost-exe
TASKLIST /SVC to enumerate all the child processes running under svchost.exe    System Admin Tips: Few must-know tools for basic system administration : http://sogeeky.blogspot.com/2006/06/few-must-know-tools-for-basic-system.html
tasklist /svc to get clearer output    WINDOWS 7 – How to list and kill processes by PID – The Visual Guide | University of South Wales: Information Security & Privacy : http://uwnthesis.wordpress.com/2014/05/31/windows-7-how-to-list-and-kill-processes-by-pid/
tasklist /svc to see the associated services (may be useful). Use tasklist /m to see the associated dll's    System Upgrade Tools : http://mc-computing.com/Upgrades/UpgradeTools.html
tasklist /svc will be run infinitely. This would be useful for giving a real time monitoring view    CMD.EXE ‘LOOPS’ - PART III : http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/cmd-exe-loops-part-iii/
tasklist /svc will list the service hosted in each process     How to kill a process from command line in Windows 7 : http://www.techulator.com/resources/2924-To-kill-process-from-command-line-Windows.aspx
tasklist /svc     スーパーユーザーのためのWindowsコマンド再入門:tasklist――実行中のタスク/プロセスを表示 - ITmedia エンタープライズ : http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/0809/09/news020.html
tasklist /svc    Windowsの場合 : http://itdoc.hitachi.co.jp/manuals/3020/30203R4821/PCAT0188.HTM