コマンドオプションサンプル:typeperf -f


TYPEPERF -f SQL -s Serpens -cf "C:\BaseDados\temp\perfcounterssqlserver.txt" -si 60 -sc 720 SQL:PerfMonBaseline
    How to Store Performance Counters Directly on SQL Server Using TypePerf Command | Official Pythian速 Blog : http://blog.pythian.com/storing-performance-counters-directly-on-sql-server-using-typeperf-command/
typeperf -f CSV -si %INTERVAL% -o %LOG_DIR%\%COMPUTERNAME%_cpu_%FILE_DATE%.csv -sc %COUNT% "\Processor(_Total)\%% Processor Time"
    MHP@kai 備忘録Windows-"typeperf"アプリ : http://createtomorrowtome.blog112.fc2.com/@m&no=157
TYPEPERF -f SQL -s SqlServer1 -cf
    sql server - Howto use typeperf to store performance monitor values in a custom schema? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange : http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/114491/howto-use-typeperf-to-store-performance-monitor-values-in-a-custom-schema
TYPEPERF -f SQL -s DESKTOP-I0VT53E -cf "E:\DBAmantra\counters.txt" -si 15 -o SQL:PerfMon
    Performance Counters Data collection using TypePerf utility - DBA Mantra : http://dbamantra.com/performance-counters-data-collection-using-typeperf-utility/
typeperf -f CSV o c:\perf.csv -si 10 cf d:\mycounters.txt -sc 1
    Windows – 漉t紅楓和歌飛羽 : http://etsaycood.wordpress.com/tag/windows/
typeperf -f CSV "
    Find a performance counter instance by a process ID – lowleveldesign.org : http://lowleveldesign.org/2013/06/21/find-performance-counter-instance-by-process-id/
TYPEPERF -f SQL -cf "D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\JOBS\CountersList.txt" -si 15 -sc 4 -o SQL:SQLServerDS
    Baselining SQL Server (Part 1) | Shaun J Stuart : http://shaunjstuart.com/archive/2011/10/baselining-sql-server-part-1/
typeperf -f SQL -o SQL:SQLServerDS
    sql server - has anyone faced this error "Error: No valid counters" using type perf? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9743138/has-anyone-faced-this-error-error-no-valid-counters-using-type-perf
typeperf -f SQL -s SAAAS-VDA01
    Logging Perfmon to SQL Database | Sysadmin As A Service : http://sysadminasaservice.wordpress.com/2015/09/02/logging-perfmon-to-sql-database-part-one/
typeperf -f CSV "
    Find a Performance Counter Instance by a Process ID - CodeProject : http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/610023/Find-a-Performance-Counter-Instance-by-a-Process-I
TYPEPERF -f SQL -s admin -cf "C:\CounterCollect\Counters.txt" -si 15 -o SQL:SQLServerDS
    Load test: Exception for denied access for pc agent (LoadTestCounterCategoryNotFoundException) - codesd.com : http://www.codesd.com/item/how-to-call-the-internal-function-of-a-m-from-the-command-prompt.html
TYPEPERF -f CSV -o MyCounters.csv -si 15 -cf MyCounters.txt -sc 60
    How To Collect Performance Data With TYPEPERF.EXE : http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1575/how-to-collect-performance-data-with-typeperfexe/
    Collecting Performance Data into a SQL Server Table - Simple Talk : http://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/sql/performance/collecting-performance-data-into-a-sql-server-table/
    Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/519026.html

typeperf のオプション一覧