Command option Sample:waitfor /S

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

waitfor /S オプション

waitfor /S %COMPUTERNAME% /SI ThisSignal"
    Batcheero: September 2007 :
waitfor /s %computername% /si simon
    Waitfor - delay in seconds - Windows CMD - :
waitfor /s %COMPUTERNAME% /si myevent
    batch file - How to use the windows waitfor utility - Stack Overflow :
waitfor /s %COMPUTERNAME% /si someevent specifically opens \\[computer_name]\mailslot\WAITFOR.EXE\someevent instead of broadcasting the signal
    networking - Windows waitfor.exe signaling protocol needed - Super User :
waitfor /s %computername% /si chefclientdone
    [#COOK-1172] Installation of SQL Server 2008 express on Windows Server 2008 R2 Fails Over WinRM - Opscode Open Source Ticket Tracking :
WAITFOR /S system /U user /P password /SI CopyDone
    mdt 2010 « Trevor Sullivan's Tech Room :
waitfor /s comp1 /si foosignal
     waitfor コマンド @PC Memorandum of augustus :
WAITFOR /S system /U user /P password /SI CopyDone
    Help for all Microsoft Windows 8 Pro commands :

waitfor のオプション一覧