wmic datafile "c:\\hello.txt" call rename c:\test.txt | WMIC - sdguoyongtaocΣΌ - Υ§l : http://sdguoyongtao.blog.163.com/blog/static/16646382020114352033920/ | |
wmic datafile "c:\\hello.txt" call rename c:\test.txt | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic datafile "C:\Program Files (x86)\APCI\OPC\GCSDriverRuntime.exe" get version | BGINFO4X - BGINFO for X and for Windows! / Forums / Windows Family Questions:Can not get wmic command for file version to work : http://sourceforge.net/p/bginfo4x/discussion/windows-questions/thread/9dd00764/ | |
WMIC Datafile (yes everything) | Limit's of WMIC: 2nd Post | PC Review : http://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/limits-of-wmic-2nd-post.531783/ | |
wmic datafile / | windows 7 - "No Instance(s) Available" error with the wmic command - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1024034/no-instances-available-error-with-the-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile get / | windows 7 - "No Instance(s) Available" error with the wmic command - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1024034/no-instances-available-error-with-the-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile get description doesn't give file description in file properties dialog box | windows - Print File Descriptions from all files in a folder, wmic command - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32861201/print-file-descriptions-from-all-files-in-a-folder-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile get Name | wmic command incorrect ΅ Issue #2 ΅ arvinddoraiswamy/ThickClientScripts ΅ GitHub : http://github.com/arvinddoraiswamy/ThickClientScripts/issues/2 | |
wmic datafile get. For example | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
WMIC Datafile Invalid Query | where clause - Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38641656/powershell-wmic-datafile-invalid-query | |
wmic datafile where 'name="c:\\windows\\twain.dll"' get name | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where "drive=' | Windows Shell Command to Show File Name and Last Access Time - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11729140/windows-shell-command-to-show-file-name-and-last-access-time | |
wmic DATAFILE where "drive='C:' AND Name like '%password%'" GET Name | Useful Wmic queries for host and domain enumeration ΅ GitHub : http://gist.github.com/xorrior/67ee741af08cb1fc86511047550cdaf4 | |
wmic DATAFILE where "drive='C:'" AND name like '%password%' | A Brief Usage Guide for Wmic » Xor'd : http://www.xorrior.com/wmic-the-enterprise/ | |
wmic datafile where "drive= | wmic | xunyangit daily share : http://xunyangit.wordpress.com/tag/wmic/ | |
wmic datafile where "name='%file%'" get lastModified' | datetime - Checking for a date and compare 2 different files - Code Review Stack Exchange : http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/68336/checking-for-a-date-and-compare-2-different-files | |
wmic datafile where "name='%loc:\=\\%%%F'" get version 2 | Windows Batch File for getting file name and version on a folder - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42590275/windows-batch-file-for-getting-file-name-and-version-on-a-folder | |
wmic datafile where "name='%name:'=\'%'" get %1 /format:list') do | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where "name='c:\\fullPath\\yourFile.ext'" get lastModified' | datetime - Checking for a date and compare 2 different files - Code Review Stack Exchange : http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/68336/checking-for-a-date-and-compare-2-different-files | |
wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Reader 11.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe'" get version /format:list') do | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Company\\Product\\Version12\\Product.exe'" get version /format:list' | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Jenkins\\jobs\\Testproject\\workspace\\Source\\Testproject.exe'" get version /format:list' | Continuous integration of Delphi 2006 projects with Jenkins - ICT Expertise : http://www.ictexpertise.com/blog/2016/02/10/continuous-integration-of-delphi-project-with-jenkins/ | |
wmic datafile where "name='c:\\program files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\Firefox.exe'" get version | where clause - Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38641656/powershell-wmic-datafile-invalid-query | |
WMIC DATAFILE where "NAME="c:\\windows\\system32\\win32k.sys"" get Version /format:csv') DO SET VERSION=%%A) | Getting file version using a batch file [Archive] - DVD Talk Forum : http://forum.dvdtalk.com/archive/t-621400.html | |
wmic DATAFILE where "path='\\Users\\test\\Documents\\'" GET Name | Useful Wmic queries for host and domain enumeration ΅ GitHub : http://gist.github.com/xorrior/67ee741af08cb1fc86511047550cdaf4 | |
wmic DATAFILE where (Name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe") | grot3:WMIC-USERACCOUNT : http://www.grot3.com/setupinfo/wmic/wmic_datafile.html | |
wmic datafile where (path='%folder:\=\\%\\') get InstallDate | Determining copy date : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/27992592/Determining-copy-date.html | |
wmic datafile where (path='G:\=\\%\\') get InstallDate | Determining copy date : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/27992592/Determining-copy-date.html | |
wmic datafile where / | windows 7 - "No Instance(s) Available" error with the wmic command - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1024034/no-instances-available-error-with-the-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile where Name = "c:\windows\twain.dll" get Cname | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where name='%i' get Description | windows - Print File Descriptions from all files in a folder, wmic command - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32861201/print-file-descriptions-from-all-files-in-a-folder-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile where Name='c://windows//explorer.exe' get Manufacturer | windows WMIC½ίQl - CSDNq : http://blog.csdn.net/force_eagle/article/details/7787695 | |
wmic datafile where name='C:\\\Program Files (x86)\\\Citrix\\\ICA Client\\\4.1\\\wfcrun32.exe'" | [Variable as a String]>EscaSpecial characters printed : http://python-forum.io/Thread-Variable-as-a-String-EscaSpecial-characters-printed | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\\Windows\\\system32\\\zipfldr.dll' get name | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\\windows\\\twain.dll' get name | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name='C:\\ | Documentation:CR:Solution:SRC:8.5.2 - Genesys Documentation : http://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/CR/latest/Solution/SRC | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\Apps\\7.0\Widget\\Services\\Widget.Service\\Widget.Service.exe' get version /format:list | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/136964@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Citrix\\ICA Client\.1\\wfcrun32.exe' | [Variable as a String]>EscaSpecial characters printed : http://python-forum.io/Thread-Variable-as-a-String-EscaSpecial-characters-printed | |
wmic datafile where name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Company\\Product\\Version12\\Product.exe' get version /format:list | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\program files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\Firefox.exe' get version | where clause - Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38641656/powershell-wmic-datafile-invalid-query | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\program files | Dell KACE K1000 Systems Management Appliance, Version 6.0 : http://manualzz.com/doc/1802075/dell-kace-k1000-systems-management-appliance--version-6.0 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\program | Dell KACE K1000 Systems Management Appliance, Version 6.0 : http://manualzz.com/doc/1802075/dell-kace-k1000-systems-management-appliance--version-6.0 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\temp\\myfile' get LastModified | batch - File last modification time with seconds - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/566348/batch-file-last-modification-time-with-seconds | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\Users\\MyAccount\\Documents\\My_Interesting_File.txt' > C:\Users\MyAccount\Documents\Interesting_Bits.txt | How to tell when a document was created - HP Support Forum - 5839542 : http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Software-and-Drivers/How-to-tell-when-a-document-was-created/td-p/5839542 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\b57nd60a.sys' list full | Reading file details on the Windows Core system | MiViLiSNet : http://mivilisnet.wordpress.com/2017/12/21/reading-file-details-on-the-windows-core-system/ | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' > out.txt | How to check file properties through WMI command line | WinPlat.Net : http://winplat.net/2009/09/24/how-to-check-file-properties-through-wmi-command-line/ | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' > output.txt | Windows Tip of the Day: Command Line: Display File Attribute with WMIC : http://windowstipoftheday.blogspot.com/2011/01/command-line-display-file-attribute.html | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' get "File System Class Name" | Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=3270 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' get version | K~|~u sp}} t| }p rzr pz|r - forum.farmanager.com : http://forum.farmanager.com/viewtopic.php@t=5783 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' | Windows Tip of the Day: Command Line: Display File Attribute with WMIC : http://windowstipoftheday.blogspot.com/2011/01/command-line-display-file-attribute.html | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\twain.dll' get cname | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\system32\\notepad.exe" get version | Getting file version using a batch file [Archive] - DVD Talk Forum : http://forum.dvdtalk.com/archive/t-621400.html | |
wmic datafile where name='vip.sln.lnk' get path" option | how to Change background wallpaper automatically Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/customization/180472-custom-toolbar-taskbar-startup-path-problem.html | |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name="%file%" get lastmodified | Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=4555 | |
wmic datafile where name="%FILENAME2%" get version /value" | Tweaking - tweakradje : http://sites.google.com/site/tweakradje/windows/windows-scripting | |
wmic datafile where name="%x" get Name | wmic command incorrect ΅ Issue #2 ΅ arvinddoraiswamy/ThickClientScripts ΅ GitHub : http://github.com/arvinddoraiswamy/ThickClientScripts/issues/2 | |
wmic datafile where Name="anyfile.txt" | cmd.exe - Windows Command to get all information/properties of a file - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/898017/windows-command-to-get-all-information-properties-of-a-file | |
wmic datafile where name="c:\\aclui.dll" get Size | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE Name="c:\\boot.ini". Note doubled backslashes | windows - Print File Descriptions from all files in a folder, wmic command - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32861201/print-file-descriptions-from-all-files-in-a-folder-wmic-command | |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name="C:\\install.exe" get Version /format:Textvaluelist | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25162348/find-the-version-of-a-installed-program-from-batch-file | |
wmic datafile where Name="C:\\path\\to\\some.exe" get Version | Finding out which .EXE executes in the PATH list - Windows : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2624674 | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" get Version /value | 158372 - Can't get Chrome version from command line in Windows - chromium - Monorail : http://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail@id=158372 | |
WMIC DATAFILE where name="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_45\\README.html" get lastmodified | Recent Entries : http://djinncoyote.dreamwidth.org/@style=light | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\temp\\x.txt" get lastmodified | "Replace newer file?" : http://community.slickedit.com/index.php@topic=15359.0 | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\hosts file info.txt" | HELP PLEASE! Missing hosts entry. WINDOWS 7 - Support - Local by Flywheel : http://local.getflywheel.com/community/t/help-please-missing-hosts-entry-windows-7/3496 | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\msiexec.exe" get Version /value | Windows: Command line to read version info of an executable file? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25648155/windows-command-line-to-read-version-info-of-an-executable-file | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe" get CreationDate | windows 7 - "No Instance(s) Available" error with the wmic command - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1024034/no-instances-available-error-with-the-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile where name="c:\\windows\\system32\\vmms.exe" get version | Identifying Hyper-V Version : http://www.elmajdal.net/win2k8/identifying_hyper-v_version.aspx | |
wmic datafile where name="c:\\windows\\xyz.dll" get cname | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name="c:\\windows\xyz.dll" get cname | compliance rule to check disks are basic or dyn... | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/161937@start=0&tstart=0 | |
wmic datafile where name="C:\Program Files (x86)\APCI\OPC\GCSDriverRuntime.exe" get version tail -2 | BGINFO4X - BGINFO for X and for Windows! / Forums / Windows Family Questions:Can not get wmic command for file version to work : http://sourceforge.net/p/bginfo4x/discussion/windows-questions/thread/9dd00764/ | |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name="c:\windows\system32\drivers\srv.sys" get Version /format:Textvaluelist | How to verify that Wannacry patch is correctly installed – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/cybersecurity/how-to-verify-that-wannacry-patch-is-correctly-installed/ | |
wmic datafile where name="c:\windows\system32\vmms.exe" get version | Microsoft Virtualization Q&A : Hyper-V / Hyper-V R2 | Cloud, Virtualisation & Management Blog : http://cloudtidings.com/2009/04/03/microsoft-virtualization-qa-hyper-v-hyper-v-r2/ | |
wmic datafile where name="c:notepad.exe" get "File System Name" | Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=3270 | |
wmic datafile where name="c:notepad.exe" get "Last Modified" | Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=3270 | |
wmic datafile where name="D:\\files_for_repo\\packages\\SkypeSetupFull.exe" get Version | Skype version issue - Tips and Tutorials - Ketarin forum : http://ketarin.org/forum/topic/3938-skype-version-issue/ | |
wmic datafile where Name="F:\\ekojs.txt" get Description | cmd.exe - Windows Command to get all information/properties of a file - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/898017/windows-command-to-get-all-information-properties-of-a-file | |
wmic datafile where name="file.txt" get creationdate | windows 7 - "No Instance(s) Available" error with the wmic command - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1024034/no-instances-available-error-with-the-wmic-command | |
wmic datafile where name="xxxx | Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 Server CoreKCh : http://manualzz.com/doc/12071651/windows-server-2008---2008-r2-server-coreι’E§γ»E¬ι’E§γ»E€ι’%9D%89 | |
wmic datafile where name=%i get Description | windows - Print File Descriptions from all files in a folder, wmic command - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32861201/print-file-descriptions-from-all-files-in-a-folder-wmic-command | |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name=%prgtmp% get Version /format:Textvaluelist | #TSQL2sDay – How SQLPackage.exe can spoil your deployment – SQLPlayer : http://sqlplayer.net/2017/09/tsql2sday-how-sqlpackage-exe-can-spoil-your-deployment/ | |
wmic datafile where name=\"" | Jon Retting - getting windows ntfs file info : http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-12/msg00405.html | |
Wmic datafile where name= | :: Windows Server 2008 Server Core & : http://degi.tistory.com/165 | |
WMIC DATAFILE where | Identifying the CDROM drive letter - two methods? - RyanVM.net Discussion Board : http://ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php@t=7469 |
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