wmic datafile "c:\\test.txt" call rename c:\abc.txt | link | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC |
wmic datafile get. For example | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile get | link | Windows Tip of the Day: Command Line: Display File Attribute with WMIC |
WMIC Datafile Invalid Query | link | where clause - Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query? - Stack Overflow |
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wmic DATAFILE where "drive='C:'" AND name like '%password%' | link | A Brief Usage Guide for Wmic » Xor'd |
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wmic datafile where "name='%loc:\=\\%%%F'" get version 2 | link | Windows Batch File for getting file name and version on a folder - Stack Overflow |
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wmic datafile where "name='c:\\fullPath\\yourFile.ext'" get lastModified' | link | datetime - Checking for a date and compare 2 different files - Code Review Stack Exchange |
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wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Company\\Product\\Version12\\Product.exe'" get version | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Jenkins\\jobs\\Testproject\\workspace\\Source\\Testproject.exe'" get version | link | Continuous integration of Delphi 2006 projects with Jenkins - ICT Expertise |
wmic datafile where "name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\CommonExtensions\\Microsoft\\TestWindow\\vstest.console.exe'" get Version | link | Test Build step is not working as excepted. - Developer Community |
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wmic DATAFILE where "path='\\Users\\test\\Documents\\'" GET Name | link | Useful Wmic queries for host and domain enumeration GitHub |
wmic datafile where name | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\Apps\\7.0\Widget\\Services\\Widget.Service\\Widget.Service.exe' get version | link | No Results to WMI Query for File Version | BMC Communities |
wmic datafile where name='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Company\\Product\\Version12\\Product.exe' get version | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\program files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\Firefox.exe' get version | link | where clause - Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query? - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' > out.txt | link | How to check file properties through WMI command line | WinPlat.Net |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' > output.txt | link | Windows Tip of the Day: Command Line: Display File Attribute with WMIC |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' get "File System Class Name" | link | Description and usage of WMIC Windows command - DosTips.com |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' get version | link | K~|~u sp}} t| }p rzr pz|r - forum.farmanager.com |
wmic datafile where name='c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe' | link | Windows Tip of the Day: Command Line: Display File Attribute with WMIC |
wmic datafile where name="%FILENAME2%" get version | link | Scripting - tweakradje |
wmic datafile where Name="anyfile.txt" | link | cmd.exe - Windows Command to get all information/properties of a file - Super User |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name="C:\\install.exe" get Version | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
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WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name="c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\srv.sys" get Version | link | How to verify that Wannacry patch is correctly installed |
wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\msiexec.exe" get Version | link | Windows Batch File for getting file name and version on a folder - Stack Overflow |
wmic datafile where name="c:\\windows\\system32\\vmms.exe" get version | link | Identifying your Hyper-V Version | Software Development content from Windows IT Pro |
wmic datafile where name="c:\windows\system32\vmms.exe" get version | link | Microsoft Virtualization Q&A : Hyper-V / Hyper-V R2 | Cloud, Virtualisation & Management Blog |
wmic datafile where name="c:notepad.exe" get "File System Name" | link | Description and usage of WMIC Windows command - DosTips.com |
wmic datafile where name="c:notepad.exe" get "Last Modified" | link | Description and usage of WMIC Windows command - DosTips.com |
wmic datafile where Name="F:\\ekojs.txt" get Description | link | cmd.exe - Windows Command to get all information/properties of a file - Super User |
WMIC DATAFILE WHERE name=%prgtmp% get Version | link | #TSQL2sDay – How SQLPackage.exe can spoil your deployment – SQLPlayer |
wmic datafile where name=\"" | link | Commands tagged cygwin | commandlinefu.com |
Wmic datafile where name= | link | :: Windows Server 2008 Server Core & |
wmic datafile where | link | wmic - Find the version of a installed program from batch file - Stack Overflow |
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