wmic process '6668' list brief | Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-680 ... - Pearsoncmg - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/windows-7-portable-command-guide-mcts-70-680-pearsoncmg_59d09dc61723ddd9861cfd57.html | |
wmic process / | ugarailog: wmicでプロセス操作 : http://ugarailog.blogspot.com/2012/04/wmic.html | |
wmic process [handle/PID] call terminate | WMIC - sdguoyongtao議晩崗 - 利叟鴬人 : http://sdguoyongtao.blog.163.com/blog/static/16646382020114352033920/ | |
wmic process [handle/PID] call terminate | Windows - ナレッジ管理 : http://vre.sakura.ne.jp/cgi-bin/pukiwiki/index.php@Windows | |
wmic process | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #78: Advanced Process Whack-a-Mole : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/01/episode-78-advanced-process-whack-mole.html | |
wmic process 2324 delete | Command-Line Ninjitsu - Gabriel的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/lizhenyuan/article/details/4101860 | |
wmic process 2345 call terminate | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic process call / | InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - The Grammar of WMIC : http://isc.sans.edu/diary/The+Grammar+of+WMIC/2376 | |
wmic process call create '"%commandline%" | find free drive letter for temp drive mappings but skip cdrom (Page 1) / Windows CMD Shell / SS64 Forum : http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php@id=1495 | |
wmic process call create 'notepad.exe' | wmic vs WMI Powershell cmdlets – Windows Management Infrastructure Blog : http://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/wmi/2010/01/06/wmic-vs-wmi-powershell-cmdlets/ | |
wmic process call create 'notepad.exe a.txt' | windows - How to get the output of "wmic process call create" - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43192852/how-to-get-the-output-of-wmic-process-call-create | |
wmic process call create "%commandline%" | find free drive letter for temp drive mappings but skip cdrom (Page 1) / Windows CMD Shell / SS64 Forum : http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php@id=1495 | |
wmic process call create "C:/evilprogram.exe" | Command-Line Ninjitsu - Gabriel的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/lizhenyuan/article/details/4101860 | |
wmic process call create "C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQ\QQ.exe" | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic process call create "calc.exe" | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
wmic process call create "cmd /C > C:\temp\test.txt 2> | Remote Netstat to STDOUT with WMIC? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33107031/remote-netstat-to-stdout-with-wmic | |
wmic process call create "cmd.exe /c calc.exe" | Useful Wmic queries for host and domain enumeration 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/xorrior/67ee741af08cb1fc86511047550cdaf4 | |
wmic process call create "notepad.exe a.txt" | windows - How to get the output of "wmic process call create" - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43192852/how-to-get-the-output-of-wmic-process-call-create | |
wmic process call create "notepad.exe" | Hooking Windows events without knowing anything about C/C++ : http://blog.huntingmalware.com/notes/WMI | |
wmic process call create "shutdown.exe -r -f -t 20" | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
Wmic process call create / | Windows Management Instrumentation – Using WMI – 2000Trainers.com : http://www.2000trainers.com/windows-scripting/using-wmi/ | |
wmic process call create \\.\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\cmd.exe | Volume Shadow Copies – The Lost Post - Security Weekly : http://securityweekly.com/2012/10/15/volume-shadow-copies-the-los/ | |
wmic process call create c:\\windows\\notepad.exe | vbscript - getting remote drivernodes using "devcon drivernodes" - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35270124/getting-remote-drivernodes-using-devcon-drivernodes | |
wmic process call create C:\nice.png:nc.exe | GitHub - madhuakula/wincmdfu: Windows one line commands that make life easier, shortcuts and command line fu. : http://github.com/madhuakula/wincmdfu | |
wmic PROCESS call create calc.exe | : http://antapex.org/winshells.txt | |
wmic process call create cmd.exe | InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - The Grammar of WMIC : http://isc.sans.edu/diary/The+Grammar+of+WMIC/2376 | |
wmic process call create notepad | WMIC - sdguoyongtao議晩崗 - 利叟鴬人 : http://sdguoyongtao.blog.163.com/blog/static/16646382020114352033920/ | |
wmic process call create notepad | command line - wmic error (invalid XSL format) in windows7 - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9673057/wmic-error-invalid-xsl-format-in-windows7 | |
wmic process get /format:csv | command line - wmic error (invalid XSL format) in windows7 - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9673057/wmic-error-invalid-xsl-format-in-windows7 | |
wmic process get /format:htable > c:\process.htm | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
wmic process get /format:htable > c:process.htm | Posteet: Tags: wmic : http://www.posteet.com/tags/windows | |
WMIC PROCESS GET /FORMAT:LIST | 【.cmd】 バッチファイルスクリプト %11 【.bat】©2ch.net : http://echo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tech/1424858999/773-n | |
wmic process get [options]' | csfm/defs.cna at master 揃 harleyQu1nn/csfm 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/harleyQu1nn/csfm/blob/master/defs.cna | |
wmic process get | Problem with using wmic commands in a batch file [Archive] - Flexera Community Forums : http://community.flexerasoftware.com/archive/index.php@t-189108.html | |
wmic PROCESS get Caption | : http://antapex.org/winshells.txt | |
wmic process get CommandLine | 【.cmd】 バッチファイルスクリプト %5 【.bat】 : http://salvage.orz.hm/tech/bat/1242268171.html | |
wmic process get CSName | AggressorScripts/All_In_One.cna at master 揃 harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts/blob/master/All_In_One.cna | |
wmic process get description | Find A Windows Infection Quickly Without Tools : http://909research.com/find-a-windows-infection-quickly-without-tools/ | |
wmic PROCESS get ExecutablePath | : http://antapex.org/winshells.txt | |
wmic process get name /format:csv:"datatype=text":"sortby=Name" | WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: WMIC Custom Alias and Format : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/07/wmic-custom-alias-and-format.html | |
wmic process get Name | wmic tests - error exit status 44210 on Win 7 64-bit 揃 Issue #46 揃 shirou/gopsutil 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/46 | |
wmic process get name | Failing on Windows 7 wmic process list /format:csv 揃 Issue #32 揃 onetune/spotify-web-helper 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/onetune/spotify-web-helper/issues/32 | |
wmic process list /format:csv" Invalid XSL format (or) file name. ] killed: false | Failing on Windows 7 wmic process list /format:csv 揃 Issue #32 揃 onetune/spotify-web-helper 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/onetune/spotify-web-helper/issues/32 | |
wmic process list /format:csv | Failing on Windows 7 wmic process list /format:csv 揃 Issue #32 揃 onetune/spotify-web-helper 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/onetune/spotify-web-helper/issues/32 | |
wmic process list /format:HMOF | WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: WMIC Custom Alias and Format : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/07/wmic-custom-alias-and-format.html | |
wmic process list /format:htable:"sortby=Name" > test.html | WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: WMIC Custom Alias and Format : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/07/wmic-custom-alias-and-format.html | |
wmic process list /format:htable | WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: WMIC Custom Alias and Format : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/07/wmic-custom-alias-and-format.html | |
wmic process list /format:list | Using Credentials to Own Windows Boxes - Part 3 (WMI and WinRM) : http://blog.ropnop.com/using-credentials-to-own-windows-boxes-part-3-wmi-and-winrm/ | |
wmic process list /format:XML > c:\\MyProc.xml" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process list /format:xml | WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: WMIC Custom Alias and Format : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/07/wmic-custom-alias-and-format.html | |
wmic process list > apps.txt | Basics: 2 Utilities You ALREADY Have On Windows That Can Fight A Virus – CWL : http://cwl.cc/2012/04/2-utilities-you-already-have-on-windows-that-can-fight-a-virus.html | |
wmic process list brief - find "cmd.exe" | Posteet: Tags: wmic : http://www.posteet.com/tags/windows | |
wmic process list brief Process management | pentest-wiki/README.md at master 揃 nixawk/pentest-wiki 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/nixawk/pentest-wiki/blob/master/1.Information-Gathering/Windows/README.md | |
wmic process list brief /every:1 | InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Windows Command-Line Kung Fu with WMIC : http://isc.sans.edu/diary/Windows+Command-Line+Kung+Fu+with+WMIC/1229 | |
wmic process list brief /every:2 | Command-Line Ninjitsu - Gabriel的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/lizhenyuan/article/details/4101860 | |
wmic process list brief [ | reading-notes/metasploitable2-exploitability.org at master 揃 sancao2/reading-notes 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/sancao2/reading-notes/blob/master/metasploitable2-exploitability.org | |
wmic process list brief find "cmd.exe" | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
wmic process list brief find | Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/ | |
wmic process list brief startup | Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-680 ... - Pearsoncmg - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/windows-7-portable-command-guide-mcts-70-680-pearsoncmg_59d09dc61723ddd9861cfd57.html | |
wmic process list brief | Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/ | |
wmic process list brief wmic process | SANS Institute : http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2017/03/08/pen-test-poster-white-board-cmd-exe-c-wmic-process | ||
wmic process list full > wmic.txt | Show remote network drives for current user - Sysinternals Forums - Page 1 : http://forum.sysinternals.com/psexec-with-the-more-command_topic28529.html | |
wmic process list full" | Show remote network drives for current user - Sysinternals Forums - Page 1 : http://forum.sysinternals.com/psexec-with-the-more-command_topic28529.html | |
wmic process list full | Find A Windows Infection Quickly Without Tools : http://909research.com/find-a-windows-infection-quickly-without-tools/ | |
wmic process list IO > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process list Memory > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process list statistics > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process list system | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
WMIC Process List | Find A Windows Infection Quickly Without Tools : http://909research.com/find-a-windows-infection-quickly-without-tools/ | |
wmic process Text Output batch file | Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html | |
wmic process Text Output Example File | Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html | |
wmic process where "(workingsetsize > 20000000)" get name | Windows - ナレッジ管理 : http://vre.sakura.ne.jp/cgi-bin/pukiwiki/index.php@Windows | |
wmic process where "caption='chrome.exe'" get caption | windows - command line of process by name - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10492997/command-line-of-process-by-name | |
Wmic process where "Commandline like '% | Automatic Update Script - Updated on 08/15/2015 - ARK: Survival Evolved : http://www.ark-survival.net/en/2015/07/18/automatic-update-script/ | |
wmic process where "CommandLine like '%calc%'" CALL setpriority "below normal" | Changing Windows process priority via command line - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/620724/changing-windows-process-priority-via-command-line | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE "commandLine LIKE '%create%' AND caption LIKE 'sql_agent_nxd.exe'" get ProcessID | Reindexing resulting in a critical error reported : http://support.ca.com/us/knowledge-base-articles.TEC1063384.html | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE "commandLine LIKE '%ebr%' AND caption LIKE 'sql_agent_nxd.exe'" get ProcessID | Reindexing resulting in a critical error reported : http://support.ca.com/us/knowledge-base-articles.TEC1063384.html | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE "COMMANDLINE LIKE '%start.bat%'" CALL TERMINATE | windows - How to use wmic to kill a cmd.exe instance searching by it's command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1002737/how-to-use-wmic-to-kill-a-cmd-exe-instance-searching-by-its-command-line | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE "Commandline like "%python.exe%SetupUnitViaSerial.py__u_1__f_TCR_vmlinux_TCR_INITRAMFS[_]DEBUG_181786.full.img%" AND NOT Caption li | /public/slonkak : http://www.kevinslonka.com/index.php@section=1&blog=99&page=21 | |
wmic process where "CommandLine like %start%" | windows - How to use wmic to kill a cmd.exe instance searching by it's command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1002737/how-to-use-wmic-to-kill-a-cmd-exe-instance-searching-by-its-command-line | |
wmic process where "CommandLine like %start.bat%" | windows - How to use wmic to kill a cmd.exe instance searching by it's command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1002737/how-to-use-wmic-to-kill-a-cmd-exe-instance-searching-by-its-command-line | |
wmic process where "CommandLine=start.bat" | windows - How to use wmic to kill a cmd.exe instance searching by it's command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1002737/how-to-use-wmic-to-kill-a-cmd-exe-instance-searching-by-its-command-line | |
wmic process where "executablepath like '%%notepad.exe'" get ProcessId /value | windows - How to get the output of "wmic process call create" - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43192852/how-to-get-the-output-of-wmic-process-call-create | |
wmic process where "name ='notepad.exe'" | A Brief Usage Guide for Wmic » Xor'd : http://www.xorrior.com/wmic-the-enterprise/ | |
wmic process where "name like '%chrome%'" get processid | process - How to show full command line of all processes in Windows - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1003921/how-to-show-full-command-line-of-all-processes-in-windows | |
wmic process where "name like '%notepad%'" | A Brief Usage Guide for Wmic » Xor'd : http://www.xorrior.com/wmic-the-enterprise/ | |
wmic process where "name='notepad.exe'" call setpriority 64 | : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1 | |
wmic process where "name='notepad.exe'" call terminate | : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1 | |
wmic process where "name='notepad.exe'" get Caption | : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1 | |
wmic process where "name='taskeng.exe'" call GetOwner | There is no column for User Name in the 'WMIC process' output - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14660118/there-is-no-column-for-user-name-in-the-wmic-process-output | |
wmic PROCESS WHERE "NOT ExecutablePath LIKE '%Windows%'" GET ExecutablePath | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
Wmic process where "ProcessId like | Script to restart Tomcat in Windows | joseluisbz's Blog : http://joseluisbz.wordpress.com/2014/11/30/script-to-restart-tomcat-in-windows/ | |
wmic process where "ProcessID=1111" get CommandLine | How to use wmic job get/list in CMD to get process name and location? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8179897/how-to-use-wmic-job-get-list-in-cmd-to-get-process-name-and-location | |
Wmic process where (caption= | Windows Management Instrumentation – Using WMI – 2000Trainers.com : http://www.2000trainers.com/windows-scripting/using-wmi/ | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE (CommandLine like '%com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianNode%' AND name='java.exe') GET processid | stephendnicholas.com : http://stephendnicholas.com/posts/finding-processes-on-windows | |
WMIC PROCESS where (commandline like "%%temp%%") get name | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/need-sql-report-that-tells-me-if-any-process-s-are-running-from-users-appdata-directory-or-sub-directories | |
WMIC PROCESS where (commandline like "%appdata%") get name | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/need-sql-report-that-tells-me-if-any-process-s-are-running-from-users-appdata-directory-or-sub-directories | |
WMIC PROCESS where (commandline like "%system32%") get name | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/need-sql-report-that-tells-me-if-any-process-s-are-running-from-users-appdata-directory-or-sub-directories | |
wmic process where (executablepath like | InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - The Grammar of WMIC : http://isc.sans.edu/diary/The+Grammar+of+WMIC/2376 | |
wmic process where (name = 'notepad.exe') delete | Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-680 ... - Pearsoncmg - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/windows-7-portable-command-guide-mcts-70-680-pearsoncmg_59d09dc61723ddd9861cfd57.html | |
wmic process where (name = process-name) delete C:\>wmic process where (name = 'notepad.exe') delete | Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-680 ... - Pearsoncmg - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/windows-7-portable-command-guide-mcts-70-680-pearsoncmg_59d09dc61723ddd9861cfd57.html | |
wmic process where (Name='svchost.exe') get name | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
wmic process where (name="CesarFTP.exe") delete'] | 0-day? More like 4260-day! : http://decidedlygray.com/2015/10/16/0daymorelike4260day/ | |
wmic process where (Name= | Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/ | |
wmic process where (processid= | Command Line for Windows Malware and Forensics : http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/commandline-malware-and-forensics/ | |
wmic process where (processid=PROCID_HERE) get parentprocessid | cmd - Finding parent process ID on Windows - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7486717/finding-parent-process-id-on-windows | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE (ProcessID>300) LIST BRIEF | Common Information Model: Information at ][Cyber Pillar][ : http://cyberpillar.com/dirsver/1/mainsite/techns/coding/morelang/cminfmdl/cminfmdl.htm | |
wmic process where caption="Apntex.exe" get executablepath | #SecureSenses --remediation, not coping: WMIC : http://www.securesenses.net/2012/08/ | |
wmic process where caption="Apntex.exe" get threadcount | #SecureSenses --remediation, not coping: WMIC : http://www.securesenses.net/2012/08/ | |
wmic process where caption="notepad.exe" call terminate | #SecureSenses --remediation, not coping: WMIC : http://www.securesenses.net/2012/08/ | |
wmic process where description='cmd.exe' list brief | Process Priority Management in Windows | Windows OS Hub : http://woshub.com/process-priority-management-in-windows/ | |
wmic process where name='[name | ugarailog: wmicでプロセス操作 : http://ugarailog.blogspot.com/2012/04/wmic.html | |
wmic process where name=' | WMI header - NSIS : http://nsis.sourceforge.net/WMI_header | |
wmic process where name='cmd.exe' delete | InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Windows Command-Line Kung Fu with WMIC : http://isc.sans.edu/diary/Windows+Command-Line+Kung+Fu+with+WMIC/1229 | |
wmic process where name='cmd.exe' get ProcessID" | time.sleep Example : http://programtalk.com/python-examples/time.sleep/ | |
wmic process where name='dbus-daemon.exe' delete | Kdenlive processes active after application is shut down • KDE Community Forums : http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php@f=265&t=142662 | |
WMIC PROCESS where name='evil.exe' delete | windows WMIC命令参考 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/force_eagle/article/details/7787695 | |
WMIC PROCESS where name='evil.exe' deleteWMIC /output:"%computername%.txt" MEMORYCHIP where "memorytype=17" get CapacityWMIC ode:remote_computer PROCESS call create "netstat.exe -ano > C:\output.txt"WMIC ode: | DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - WMIC : http://www.zoltis.com/component/seoglossary/2-dos-microsoft-dos-and-windows-command-line/wmi-commands | |
wmic process where name='kdenlive.exe' delete | Kdenlive processes active after application is shut down • KDE Community Forums : http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php@f=265&t=142662 | |
wmic process where name='kioslave.exe' delete | Kdenlive processes active after application is shut down • KDE Community Forums : http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php@f=265&t=142662 | |
WMIC process where name='notepad.exe' call terminate | WMIC – command-line control of WMI functions | Matthew Skelton : http://blog.matthewskelton.net/2009/12/29/wmic-command-line-control-of-wmi-functions/ | |
WMIC PROCESS where name='notepad.exe' delete | wmic vs WMI Powershell cmdlets – Windows Management Infrastructure Blog : http://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/wmi/2010/01/06/wmic-vs-wmi-powershell-cmdlets/ | |
wmic process WHERE Name='Notepad.exe' Get ExecutablePath > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process WHERE Name='Notepad.exe' list Brief > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process WHERE Name='Notepad.exe' list FULL > c:\\MyProc.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic process where name='process_name.exe' list brief | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
wmic process where name='process_name.exe' list full | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
wmic process where name='process_name.exe' list system | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
wmic process where name='process_name.exe' delete | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
wmic process where name='process_name.exe' | Elusive Thoughts: Windows Hackers Command Reference : http://securityhorror.blogspot.com/p/windows-command-reference.html | |
wmic process where name='QBW32.exe' get name | Obtaining a list of running processes and their associated PIDs : http://support.moonpoint.com/os/windows/commands/process_list.php | |
wmic process where name='QBW32.exe' get processid /Value | Obtaining a list of running processes and their associated PIDs : http://support.moonpoint.com/os/windows/commands/process_list.php | |
wmic process where name='QBW32.exe' get processid | Obtaining a list of running processes and their associated PIDs : http://support.moonpoint.com/os/windows/commands/process_list.php | |
wmic process where name="[PROCESS]" call terminate | pentest-wiki/Windows_AD_commands.md at master 揃 nixawk/pentest-wiki 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/nixawk/pentest-wiki/blob/master/4.Post-Exploitation/Windows_ActiveDirectory/Windows_AD_commands.md | |
wmic process where name="AppName" CALL setpriority ProcessIDLevel | Changing Windows process priority via command line - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/620724/changing-windows-process-priority-via-command-line | |
wmic process where name="ashserv.exe" call terminate | Command-Line Ninjitsu - Gabriel的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/lizhenyuan/article/details/4101860 | |
wmic process where name="calc.exe" CALL setpriority "above normal" | Changing Windows process priority via command line - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/620724/changing-windows-process-priority-via-command-line | |
wmic process where name="calc.exe" CALL setpriority "idle" | Changing Windows process priority via command line - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/620724/changing-windows-process-priority-via-command-line | |
wmic process where name="calc.exe" CALL setpriority 32768 | Changing Windows process priority via command line - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/620724/changing-windows-process-priority-via-command-line | |
wmic PROCESS WHERE Name="calc.exe" CALL Terminate | : http://antapex.org/winshells.txt | |
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" call getowner | Information Security: Windows Commandline KungFu Part 2 : http://infosec-neo.blogspot.com/2009/03/windows-commandline-kungfu-part-2.html | |
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" call getownersid | Information Security: Windows Commandline KungFu Part 2 : http://infosec-neo.blogspot.com/2009/03/windows-commandline-kungfu-part-2.html | |
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" delete | These Aren't Yo Momma's WMIC Commands – Half Full of Security : http://jon.glass/blog/lists-some-wmic-commands/ | |
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #78: Advanced Process Whack-a-Mole : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/01/episode-78-advanced-process-whack-mole.html | |
wmic process where name="explorer.exe" call setpriority 64 | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE NAME="Filename.exe | CPU Usage: Troubleshooting Guide at ][Cyber Pillar][ : http://cyberpillar.com/dirsver/1/mainsite/techns/trblshot/usedres/cpuusage/cpuusage.htm | |
wmic process where name="firefox.exe" call terminate | How to WMIC ? : http://net-informations.com/q/mis/wmic.html | |
wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority" | How do i turn off shadows? :: Grand Theft Auto V 総合掲示板 : http://steamcommunity.com/app/271590/discussions/0/613957600532039933/@l=japanese | |
wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "high" | How to uninstall any programme using cmd - WMIC - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=gLUSlBXvLVk | |
wmic process where name="GTAV.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority" | How to uninstall any programme using cmd - WMIC - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=gLUSlBXvLVk | |
wmic process where name="GTAVLauncher.exe" CALL setpriority "idle" | How do i turn off shadows? :: Grand Theft Auto V 総合掲示板 : http://steamcommunity.com/app/271590/discussions/0/613957600532039933/@l=japanese | |
wmic process where name="GTAVLauncher.exe" CALL setpriority "low" | How to uninstall any programme using cmd - WMIC - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=gLUSlBXvLVk | |
wmic process where name="iexplore.exe" call terminate | WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://betanews.com/2011/01/14/wmic-the-best-command-line-tool-you-ve-never-used/ | |
wmic process where name="jqs.exe" get executablepath | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic process where name="mspaint.exe" CALL setpriority "Above normal" | Set CPU Process Priority for Applications in Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance Tutorials : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/89548-set-cpu-process-priority-applications-windows-10-a.html | |
wmic process where name="mspaint.exe" CALL setpriority 32768 | Set CPU Process Priority for Applications in Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance Tutorials : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/89548-set-cpu-process-priority-applications-windows-10-a.html | |
wmic process where name="notepad.exe" call setpriority 64 | WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://betanews.com/2011/01/14/wmic-the-best-command-line-tool-you-ve-never-used/ | |
wmic process where name="notepad.exe" delete | Hooking Windows events without knowing anything about C/C++ : http://blog.huntingmalware.com/notes/WMI | |
wmic process where name="ProcessName" CALL setpriority "PriorityLevelName" | Set CPU Process Priority for Applications in Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance Tutorials : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/89548-set-cpu-process-priority-applications-windows-10-a.html | |
wmic process where name="ProcessName" CALL setpriority PriorityLevelID | Set CPU Process Priority for Applications in Windows 10 Performance & Maintenance Tutorials : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/89548-set-cpu-process-priority-applications-windows-10-a.html | |
wmic process where name="qq.exe" call terminate | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic process where name="RunConsoleDll.exe" call terminate') | AggressorScripts/All_In_One.cna at master 揃 harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts/blob/master/All_In_One.cna | |
wmic process where name="subprocess.exe" CALL setpriority "idle" | How do i turn off shadows? :: Grand Theft Auto V 総合掲示板 : http://steamcommunity.com/app/271590/discussions/0/613957600532039933/@l=japanese | |
wmic process where name=\"acad.exe\" CALL setpriority \"normal\"")) | Solved: Set Process Priority at startup - Autodesk Community : http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-forum/set-process-priority-at-startup/td-p/7134870 | |
wmic process where name=\"acad.exe\" CALL setpriority \"normal\"") | Solved: Set Process Priority at startup - Autodesk Community : http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-forum/set-process-priority-at-startup/td-p/7134870 | |
wmic process where name= | Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/ | |
wmic process where ParentProcessId=288 get ExecutablePath | How to use wmic job get/list in CMD to get process name and location? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8179897/how-to-use-wmic-job-get-list-in-cmd-to-get-process-name-and-location | |
wmic process where ParentProcessId=288 | How to use wmic job get/list in CMD to get process name and location? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8179897/how-to-use-wmic-job-get-list-in-cmd-to-get-process-name-and-location | |
wmic process where parentprocessid=3788 | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #78: Advanced Process Whack-a-Mole : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/01/episode-78-advanced-process-whack-mole.html | |
wmic process where parentprocessid=4008 delete | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #78: Advanced Process Whack-a-Mole : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/01/episode-78-advanced-process-whack-mole.html | |
wmic PROCESS WHERE ParentProcessId=4604 GET Name | wmic : http://www.npmjs.com/package/ps-tree | |
WMIC process where Priority= | Using WMI :: Chapter 7: Scripting :: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services :: Microsoft Products :: eTutorials.org : http://etutorials.org/Microsoft+Products/microsoft+windows+server+2003+terminal+services/Chapter+7+Scripting/Using+WMI/ | |
wmic process WHERE ProcessID | There is no column for User Name in the 'WMIC process' output - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14660118/there-is-no-column-for-user-name-in-the-wmic-process-output | |
wmic process where processid='8476' CALL setpriority "above normal" | Process Priority Management in Windows | Windows OS Hub : http://woshub.com/process-priority-management-in-windows/ | |
wmic process where processid='8476' CALL setpriority 32768 | Process Priority Management in Windows | Windows OS Hub : http://woshub.com/process-priority-management-in-windows/ | |
wmic process where processid='XXXX' CALL setpriority ProcessIDLevel | Process Priority Management in Windows | Windows OS Hub : http://woshub.com/process-priority-management-in-windows/ | |
wmic process where ProcessId="[PID]" call terminate | pentest-wiki/Windows_AD_commands.md at master 揃 nixawk/pentest-wiki 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/nixawk/pentest-wiki/blob/master/4.Post-Exploitation/Windows_ActiveDirectory/Windows_AD_commands.md | |
wmic process where processid="[pid]" delete | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #61: Just Sit Right Back & You'll Hear a Tale... or a Tail... : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2009/09/ | |
wmic process where processid="2345" delete | More powerful than the CMD command line WMIC : http://www.programering.com/a/MzMyADMwATU.html | |
wmic process where processid= | Basics of Windows Incident Response – JP : http://jordanpotti.com/2017/01/20/basics-of-windows-incident-response/ | |
wmic process where processid=4242 | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #78: Advanced Process Whack-a-Mole : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/01/episode-78-advanced-process-whack-mole.html | |
WMIC PROCESS WHERE Processid=824 LIST FULL | Learning by practicing: Leveraging WMIC for local 'live' forensics : http://securitynik.blogspot.com/2016/10/leveraging-wmic-for-local-live-forensics.html | |
wmic process where | Full text of "kali_adv_pentest_-_social_engineering" : http://archive.org/stream/kali_adv_pentest_-_social_engineering/Mastering_Kali_Linux_for_Advanced_Penetration_Testing_-_Beggs_Robert_djvu.txt | |
wmic process | Built-in Windows commands to determine if a system has been hacked : http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/tip/Built-in-Windows-commands-to-determine-if-a-system-has-been-hacked |
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