wmic shadowstorage call create Volume=C:\ DiffVolume=D:\ MaxSpace=1073741824 does not work neither - returns unknown error ReturnValue = 10 | Windows 10 how to create shadow storage on another drive without vssadmin create - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43276093/windows-10-how-to-create-shadow-storage-on-another-drive-without-vssadmin-create | |
wmic shadowstorage call create Volume=C:\ DiffVolume=D:\ MaxSpace=1073741824 | How do I create shadow storage on WIN 10 Pro? : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29067641/How-do-I-create-shadow-storage-on-WIN-10-Pro.html | |
wmic shadowstorage call create Volume=D:\ DiffVolume=D:\ MaxSpace=20 | windows 10 - Shadow Copy With Storage Spaces? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1259047/shadow-copy-with-storage-spaces | |
wmic shadowstorage list | windows 10 - Shadow Copy With Storage Spaces? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1259047/shadow-copy-with-storage-spaces |
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