コマンドオプションサンプル:wmic GROUP


wmic group get /    windows - Issues with spaces in FOR loop variable - batch script - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35262862/issues-with-spaces-in-for-loop-variable-batch-script
wmic group get domain     [Samba] idmap rid finds deleted groups for some users : http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2017-June/209043.html
wmic group get name') do (    windows - Issues with spaces in FOR loop variable - batch script - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35262862/issues-with-spaces-in-for-loop-variable-batch-script
wmic group get name"') do net localgroup %%a >> "%OUTPUTFILEPATH%" 2> nul    windows - Issues with spaces in FOR loop variable - batch script - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35262862/issues-with-spaces-in-for-loop-variable-batch-script
wmic group get name    appsec - Is it safe to remove these groups from the Local Security Policy area? - Information Security Stack Exchange : http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/43789/is-it-safe-to-remove-these-groups-from-the-local-security-policy-area
wmic group HTML Output batch file     Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html
wmic group HTML Output Example File     Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html
wmic group list /format:list    Using Credentials to Own Windows Boxes - Part 3 (WMI and WinRM) : http://blog.ropnop.com/using-credentials-to-own-windows-boxes-part-3-wmi-and-winrm/
wmic group list [    reading-notes/metasploitable2-exploitability.org at master 揃 sancao2/reading-notes 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/sancao2/reading-notes/blob/master/metasploitable2-exploitability.org
wmic group list brief    Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/
wmic group list full > c:\\MyWMIC.txt"    WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687
wmic group list full /format:hform >>wmic_report.html    pentest/windows_privesc.info.txt at master 揃 jivoi/pentest 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/jivoi/pentest/blob/master/post_win/enum_wmic.bat
wmic group list full /format:hform >groups.html    Command-Line Ninjitsu - Gabriel的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/lizhenyuan/article/details/4101860
wmic group list full    WindowsのコマンドプロンプトによるWMI処理でWMIサービスの操作パラメーターの情報を参照する : http://www.wannko.net/command/wmi/group.html
wmic group list    Windows Command Line cheatsheet (part 2): WMIC – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/dfir/windows-command-line-cheatsheet-part-2-wmic/
WMIC GROUP outputs too    Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=7347&start=45
wmic group Text Output batch file     Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html
wmic group Text Output Example File     Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-10-tutorials/12294-windows-management-instrumentation-wmi-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html
wmic group where "LocalAccount='TRUE' AND SID='S-1-5-32-544'" get Name') do if not defined adminGroupName set "adminGroupName=%%    Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=7347&start=45
wmic group where "LocalAccount='TRUE' AND SID='S-1-5-32-544'" get Name /format:table    Setting a variable based on a command - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=7347&start=45
wmic group where "LocalAccount='TRUE'" get Caption : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1
wmic group where "Name='Administrators'" assoc /resultclass:Win32_useraccount : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1
wmic group where "name='group1' " call rename group2    Create a user group command line (CMD) : http://www.windows-commandline.com/create-user-group-command-line/
wmic group where "name='groupname' " call rename newgroupname    Create a user group command line (CMD) : http://www.windows-commandline.com/create-user-group-command-line/
WMIC Group Where "SID = '%AdmGroupSID%'" Get Name /Value    How to uninstall any programme using cmd - WMIC - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/playlist@list=PLu3pgdr7-mLFfu_oL37cIyzGZg4Br5_TB
WMIC Group Where "SID = '%RDPGroupSID%'" Get Name /Value    How to uninstall any programme using cmd - WMIC - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/playlist@list=PLu3pgdr7-mLFfu_oL37cIyzGZg4Br5_TB
wmic group where (localaccount=true) get name    #SecureSenses --remediation, not coping: WMIC : http://www.securesenses.net/2012/08/
wmic group where (name = 'administrators') assoc    Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-680 ... - Pearsoncmg - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/windows-7-portable-command-guide-mcts-70-680-pearsoncmg_59d09dc61723ddd9861cfd57.html
wmic group where (name =    Using Verbs | Windows 7 Portable Command Guide: Understanding the Windows Management Instrumentation Command Line | Pearson IT Certification : http://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx@p=1700427&seqNum=7
wmic group where (sid =    Managing Windows Networks Using Scripts - Part 11: More Scripting Tricks - TechGenix : http://techgenix.com/managing-windows-networks-using-scripts-part11/
wmic group where name='BowTieXPUsers' get sid    BowtieXP : http://www.bowtiexp.com.au/resources/faq
wmic group where name='Domain Users' get sid    Corinna Vinschen - Re: cacls combination problem in 1.7.35, merging privs of existing file : http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-06/msg00343.html
wmic group where name='groupname' rename newname    Rename group from Windows command line : http://www.windows-commandline.com/rename-group-command-line/
wmic group where name='Users' set PasswordExpires=True    Password Expiration - Enable or Disable - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/73210-password-expiration-enable-disable-2.html
wmic group where name='users1' rename users2    Rename group from Windows command line : http://www.windows-commandline.com/rename-group-command-line/
wmic group where name="administrators" get sid    Special Groups Audit – Dubai Security Blog : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/dubaisec/2016/04/19/special-groups/
wmic group where name="Domain Admins" get sid"    Per User/Group Configuration Settings - FSLogix Apps 2.6 - Documentation : http://docs.fslogix.com/pages/viewpage.action@pageId=2490920
WMIC GROUP WHERE NAME="GROUP_NAME_HERE"     Some Domain Controllers in Account Unit do not provide logon/logoff information : http://supportcontent.checkpoint.com/solutions@id=sk43874
wmic group where sid    {Quick Post} Commandline Kung-fu needed! Apply within | Cатсн22 (in)sесuяitу / ChrisJohnRiley : http://blog.c22.cc/2012/03/19/quick-post-commandline-kung-fu-needed-apply-within/
wmic group where sid="S-1-5-32-545" get name    windows server 2012 r2 - WMIC command runs fine with a local account, hangs with an AD account using remote logon - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/741333/wmic-command-runs-fine-with-a-local-account-hangs-with-an-ad-account-using-remo


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