wmic product > filename.txt | プログラムと機能が使用できない場合、どのように National Instruments ソフトウェアをアンインストールしますか? - National Instruments : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/BCA1B623089BDE89862580F3004407D1 | |
wmic product call install true | Creo View Lite 2 silent uninstall - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-View-Lite-2-silent-uninstall/td-p/238621 | |
wmic product get / | windows - List all installed software on PC - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/447277/list-all-installed-software-on-pc | |
wmic product get /format:csv > C:\temp\Software_%Computername%.csv | How to List All Installed Applications From the Command Line • Helge Klein : http://helgeklein.com/blog/2010/01/how-to-list-all-installed-applications-from-the-command-line/ | |
wmic product get /format:csv > Software_%Computername%.csv | How to List All Installed Applications From the Command Line • Helge Klein : http://helgeklein.com/blog/2010/01/how-to-list-all-installed-applications-from-the-command-line/ | |
wmic PRODUCT get [options]' | csfm/defs.cna at master 揃 harleyQu1nn/csfm 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/harleyQu1nn/csfm/blob/master/defs.cna | |
wmic product get > C:InstalledPrograms.txt | Use WMI to print disk drives on remote Windows PC from command-line : http://www.puryear-it.com/find-global-unique-identifier-guid-windows-program | |
wmic product get Caption | : http://programming.realworldrobotics.com/editors-ides/command-line-in-windows/wmic-snippets@tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1 | |
wmic PRODUCT get Description | AggressorScripts/All_In_One.cna at master 揃 harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts/blob/master/All_In_One.cna | |
wmic product get identifyingnumber | Get the GUID list of installed programs | >_ : http://p0w3rsh3ll.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/get-the-guid-list-of-installed-programs/ | |
WMIC Product GET Name - Invalid Class | There is no column for User Name in the 'WMIC process' output - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14660118/there-is-no-column-for-user-name-in-the-wmic-process-output | |
wmic product get name /value (this gets software names) | Windows Sistem Komutlar脹 | MaestroPanel BilgiMaestroPanel Bilgi : http://wiki.maestropanel.com/windows-sistem-komutlari/ | |
wmic product get name /value >> %FILE_O% | windows用リソース情報取得バッチ - lofttecs(ロフト テックス) - 株式会社ロフト : http://web.loft-net.co.jp/lofttecs/bat_get_windows_resource/ | |
Wmic product get name /value | :: Windows Server 2008 Server Core & : http://degi.tistory.com/165 | |
wmic product get name = | バックアップ時に W6967 / E6300 / E3719 のエラーが発生する現象について – Arcserve : http://arcserve.zendesk.com/hc/ja/articles/202186129-Windows-Server-2008-Server-Core-驍オ・コ繝サ・ォ-Arcserve-Backup-驛「・ァ繝サ81・オ繝サ81%86驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驛「・ァ繝サ・ケ驛「%9D繝サ8C・サ%83繝サ・シ驛「%9D繝サ・ォ驍オ・コ繝サ90・カ繝サ%8B髫エ%81繝サ・ケ髮・95%95 | |
wmic product get name > outputfile.txt | How to Backup List of Applications on PC: 5 Steps : http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Backup-List-of-Applications-on-PC/ | |
wmic product get name > programs.txt | List All Installed Programs or Uninstall Programs On Your PC Using CMD : http://vincenttechblog.com/list-all-installed-programs-uninstall-programs-using-cmd/ | |
wmic product get name | How to List Add/Remove Programs on a Local/Remote Machine : http://adriank.org/list-addremove-programs-on-a-remote-machine/ | |
wmic product get packagename | How to List All Installed Applications From the Command Line • Helge Klein : http://helgeklein.com/blog/2010/01/how-to-list-all-installed-applications-from-the-command-line/ | |
wmic product get"-------- >> %FILE_O% | windows用リソース情報取得バッチ - lofttecs(ロフト テックス) - 株式会社ロフト : http://web.loft-net.co.jp/lofttecs/bat_get_windows_resource/ | |
wmic product in fact calls wmic path Win32_Product get | windows - WMI: Get the list of Installed Softwares - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25131413/wmi-get-the-list-of-installed-softwares | |
wmic product list all installed software as xml | WMI - マイクロソフト系技術情報 Wiki : http://techinfoofmicrosofttech.osscons.jp/index.php@WMI | |
wmic product list brief | WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://betanews.com/2011/01/14/wmic-the-best-command-line-tool-you-ve-never-used/ | |
wmic product list full | Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #101: Third-Party Party : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2010/06/episode-101-third-party-party.html | |
wmic product list full> c:\\MyWMIC.txt" | WMI取系信息 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/woshidaniu/article/details/8879687 | |
wmic product list instance | Windowsのアプリケーションがどこにインストールされているか調べる ハードなソフトの話/ウェブリブログ : http://hardsoft.at.webry.info/201304/article_3.html | |
WMIC Product query | Kaseya Community : http://community.kaseya.com/xsp/f/28/t/6412.aspx | |
wmic product where 'name = "%Product Name%"' get name | Tools a Windows administrator cannot live without - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/3482/tools-a-windows-administrator-cannot-live-without/3490 | |
wmic product where 'name like 'Java 7%%'' call uninstall /nointeractive"/> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product where 'name like 'Java%%'' call uninstall /nointeractive"/> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product where 'name like 'Java(TM)%%'' call uninstall /nointeractive"/> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product WHERE "IdentifyingNumber = ' | Win32_Product WMI Class Replacement : http://csi-windows.com/toolkit/win32product-replacement | |
wmic product where "name = 'Teamviewer 12 Host'" call uninstall /nointeractive | TeamViewer Silent Remote Uninstall - Lansweeper questions - Lansweeper : http://m.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst15116_TeamViewer-Silent-Remote-Uninstall.aspx | |
wmic product where "name = 'Teamviewer 12 Host (MSI Wrapper)'" call uninstall /nointeractive | TeamViewer Silent Remote Uninstall - Lansweeper questions - Lansweeper : http://m.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst15116_TeamViewer-Silent-Remote-Uninstall.aspx | |
wmic product where "name = 'Windows Azure Authoring Tools - v2.3'" call uninstall /nointeractive | How to Create a script via batch file that will uninstall a program if it was installed on windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14864144/how-to-create-a-script-via-batch-file-that-will-uninstall-a-program-if-it-was-in | |
wmic product where "name like '%%Creo View%%" call uninstall /nointeractive | Creo View Lite 2 silent uninstall - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-View-Lite-2-silent-uninstall/td-p/238621 | |
wmic product where "name like '%%ESET%%'" get Name | Kaseya Community : http://community.kaseya.com/xsp/f/28/t/6412.aspx | |
wmic product where "Name like '%%product-name%%'" get name' | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "Name like '%%product-name%%'" get name /format:table' | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wMIC Product Where "Name like '%.NET%'" Get Name | [REQ] Win7 Command Line Script - list installed updates (kb numbers) - Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.) - MSFN : http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/173714-req-win7-command-line-script-list-installed-updates-kb-numbers/ | |
wmic product where "Name like '%ArcGIS%'" | installation - The simplest way to uninstall any and all ArcGIS products? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange : http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/49290/the-simplest-way-to-uninstall-any-and-all-arcgis-products | |
wmic product where "name like '%Creo View%" call uninstall /nointeractive | Creo View Lite 2 silent uninstall - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-View-Lite-2-silent-uninstall/td-p/238621 | |
wmic product where "Name like '%Java%'" get Name | How to find a Program Version on List of Computers Using wmic and psexec | http://www.itswapshop.com : http://itswapshop.com/tutorial/how-find-program-version-list-computers-using-wmic-and-psexec | |
wmic product where "name like '%lenovo solution center%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Solved: Lenovo Solution Center silent uninstall - Lenovo Community : http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Enterprise-Client-Management/Lenovo-Solution-Center-silent-uninstall/td-p/1683535 | |
wmic product where "Name like '%Office%'" get Name | WMIC Helpful Commands - Windows Forum - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/111076-using-wmic-to-retrieve-a-list-of-all-installed-programs | |
wmic product WHERE "Name like '%office%'" get | Win32_Product WMI Class Replacement : http://csi-windows.com/toolkit/win32product-replacement | |
wmic product where "Name like '%product-name%' get name' | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "Name like '%product-name%'" get name') do for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do echo %%b which gave me "No Instances Available" | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "Name like '%product-name%'" get name') do | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "Name like '%product-name%'" get name' | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "Name like '%product name%'" get name | windows - Get product name from WMIC for a variable in batch - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790561/get-product-name-from-wmic-for-a-variable-in-batch | |
wmic product where "name like '%program_name%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Beare's Knowledge Base : http://nickbeare.com/windows.html | |
wmic product where "name like '%program_name%'" | Beare's Knowledge Base : http://nickbeare.com/windows.html | |
WMIC product where "name like '%QFramework%'" get version | Discovering Network Printer's connected to a sy... | CA Communities : http://communities.ca.com/thread/241777972-run-command-line-property-time-out-duration | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Flash Player 10%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive > "%systemroot%\LOGS\LKSVDD\Tim\uninstall_(shockwave)flash_12+11.txt" 2> | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Flash Player 11%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive > "%systemroot%\LOGS\LKSVDD\Tim\uninstall_(shockwave)flash_12+11.txt" 2> | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Reader%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/need-an-adobe-reader-xi-11-0-silent-uninstaller | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Shockwave Player 11%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive >> "%systemroot%\LOGS\LKSVDD\Tim\uninstall_(shockwave)flash_12+11.txt" 2> | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Shockwave Player 11._'" call uninstall /nointeractive >> "%systemroot%\LOGS\LKSVDD\Tim\uninstall_(shockwave)flash_12+11.txt" 2> | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Shockwave Player 12%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive >> "%systemroot%\LOGS\LKSVDD\Tim\uninstall_(shockwave)flash_12+11.txt" 2> | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name like 'Adobe Shockwave Player%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | how to remove multiple versions of shockwave fr... | Adobe Community : http://forums.adobe.com/thread/2346797 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Google Chrome'" call uninstall /nointeractive > %windir%\Logging\Uninstall_Chrome_Google_vALL_W7_P1.0.log | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/how-to-uninstall-any-version-google-chrome-there-is-no-uninstall-string-how-to-identify-the-version-and-uninstall-by-path-appdata-google-version-uninstall | |
wmic product where "name like 'Google Chrome'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/how-to-uninstall-any-version-google-chrome-there-is-no-uninstall-string-how-to-identify-the-version-and-uninstall-by-path-appdata-google-version-uninstall | |
wmic product where "name like 'iTunes'" get IdentifyingNumber | wmic - Is there an efficient way to query if product is installed on Windows and retrieve IdentifyingNumber - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/938109/is-there-an-efficient-way-to-query-if-product-is-installed-on-windows-and-retrie | |
wmic product where "name like 'J2SE%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Uninstall all Java versions Jocha : http://blog.jocha.se/tech/uninstall-all-java-versions | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 7%%'" call uninstall' /> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 7%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Uninstall all Java versions Jocha : http://blog.jocha.se/tech/uninstall-all-java-versions | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 8%%''" call uninstall /nointeractive | SAM WMI Ports Requirements |THWACK : http://thwack.solarwinds.com/thread/112423 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 8%%'" call uninstall' /> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 8%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | SAM WMI Ports Requirements |THWACK : http://thwack.solarwinds.com/thread/112423 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java 8%%'" call uninstall | SAM WMI Ports Requirements |THWACK : http://thwack.solarwinds.com/thread/112423 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Uninstall all Java versions Jocha : http://blog.jocha.se/tech/uninstall-all-java-versions | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java%%'" call uninstall | Q&A: WMIC kbox script | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/managed-install-java-8-update-40 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java(tm) 6 %%'" call uninstall' /> | Java - WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution : http://wpkg.org/Java | |
wmic product where "name like 'Java(TM)%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Uninstall all Java versions Jocha : http://blog.jocha.se/tech/uninstall-all-java-versions | |
wmic product where "name like 'logmein%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Commands Feature of SC : http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst6799_Easy-way-to-uninstall-LogMeIn.aspx | |
wmic product where "Name like 'Microsoft .Net%'" get Name | Using Nuget in Visual Studio 2005 & 2008 - seay - SegmentFault : http://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004584894 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Microsoft Office 2010'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Query device model in Provisioning Template. | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/26406 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Microsoft Office%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Query device model in Provisioning Template. | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/26406 | |
wmic product where "name like 'Name'" get IdentifyingNumber | wmic - Is there an efficient way to query if product is installed on Windows and retrieve IdentifyingNumber - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/938109/is-there-an-efficient-way-to-query-if-product-is-installed-on-windows-and-retrie | |
wmic product where "Name like 'Panda Cloud Antivirus'" call uninstall /nointeractive | A script to uninstall Panda Cloud Antivirus and, selectively, most other programs - 404 Tech Support : http://www.404techsupport.com/2013/03/19/a-script-to-uninstall-panda-cloud-antivirus-and-selectively-most-other-programs/ | |
WMIC product where "Name LIKE 'Quicktime%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | Script to Uninstall QuickTime Silently | Question Driven : http://www.questiondriven.com/2016/04/15/script-to-uninstall-quicktime-silently/ | |
wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive | wmic product where "name like 'test%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/windows-scripting/dos-command-shell/65031-wmic-product-where-name-like-test-call-uninstall-nointeractive | |
wmic product where "name='%_product%'" call uninstall/nointeractive | windows - Using wmic to Find if Product Exists - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1087355/using-wmic-to-find-if-product-exists | |
wmic product where "name='Application Name'" get version | WMI instead of WMIC command to find application version? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/742148/wmi-instead-of-wmic-command-to-find-application-version | |
wmic product where "Name='Java 7 Update 60'" get Name | How to find a Program Version on List of Computers Using wmic and psexec | http://www.itswapshop.com : http://itswapshop.com/tutorial/how-find-program-version-list-computers-using-wmic-and-psexec | |
wmic Product where "name='Umbrella Roaming Client'" call uninstall | Umbrella Roaming Client: Uninstalling – Cisco Umbrella : http://support.umbrella.com/hc/en-us/articles/230901028-Umbrella-Roaming-Client-Uninstalling | |
wmic product where "Vendor like '%Environmental Systems Research Institute%'" | installation - The simplest way to uninstall any and all ArcGIS products? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange : http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/49290/the-simplest-way-to-uninstall-any-and-all-arcgis-products | |
wmic product where "Vendor like '%Microsoft%'" get Name | WMIC Helpful Commands - Windows Forum - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/111076-using-wmic-to-retrieve-a-list-of-all-installed-programs | |
wmic product where "vendor like 'Atmel%'" get Name | AS 7.0.1006 broke completely my installation | AVR Freaks : http://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/701006-broke-completely-my-installation | |
wmic product where (name = 'Java 8 Update 31') call uninstall | Uninstalling Java Remotely from Numerous Computers | BatchPatch - The Ultimate Windows Update Tool : http://batchpatch.com/uninstalling-java-remotely-from-numerous-computers | |
wmic product where (name like 'Java%') call uninstall | Uninstalling Java Remotely from Numerous Computers | BatchPatch - The Ultimate Windows Update Tool : http://batchpatch.com/uninstalling-java-remotely-from-numerous-computers | |
wmic product where (name like "%%Creo View%%") call uninstall /nointeractive | Solved: Creo 4 Uninstall Piece by Piece - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-4-Uninstall-Piece-by-Piece/td-p/427733 | |
wmic product where (name like "%%Mathcad 15%%") call uninstall /nointeractive | Solved: Creo 4 Uninstall Piece by Piece - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-4-Uninstall-Piece-by-Piece/td-p/427733 | |
wmic product where (name like "%%Mathcad Prime%%") call uninstall /nointeractive | Solved: Creo 4 Uninstall Piece by Piece - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-4-Uninstall-Piece-by-Piece/td-p/427733 | |
wmic product where (name like "%PUT_YOUR_STRING_HERE%") get name | (GroupWise) uninstall script - Cool Solutions | : http://www.novell.com/communities/coolsolutions/cool_tools/groupwise-uninstall-script/ | |
wmic product where (name="Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard - English | Uninstalling software using WMIC : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/74ff30ca-6e7a-43de-ad4e-ae7e2c1df4e4/uninstalling-software-using-wmic@forum=w7itproui | |
wmic product where (name="Adobe Reader") call uninstall | Uninstall Software En Masse - ConfigMgrFTW! : http://home.configmgrftw.com/uninstall-software-en-masse/ | |
wmic product where name like | Handy WMIC commands ← ordon.IT : http://www.ordon.it/handy-wmic-commands/ | |
wmic product where name='LogMeIn' call uninstall | Commands Feature of SC : http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst6799_Easy-way-to-uninstall-LogMeIn.aspx | |
wmic Product where name='Umbrella Roaming Client' call uninstall | Umbrella Roaming Client: Uninstalling – Cisco Umbrella : http://support.umbrella.com/hc/en-us/articles/230560967-Hiding-the-Umbrella-Roaming-Client-User-Interface-Customization- | |
wmic product where name=""COMODO Client - Communication Updater"" call uninstall" | MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/11894-uninstall-and-remove-rmm-pm-itsm-ccs-itsm-updater | |
wmic product where name=""COMODO Client - Communication"" call uninstall" | MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/11894-uninstall-and-remove-rmm-pm-itsm-ccs-itsm-updater | |
wmic product where name=""COMODO Client - Security"" call uninstall" | MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/11894-uninstall-and-remove-rmm-pm-itsm-ccs-itsm-updater | |
wmic product where name=""Comodo One Patch Management Agent"" call uninstall" | MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/11894-uninstall-and-remove-rmm-pm-itsm-ccs-itsm-updater | |
wmic product where name=""RMM Agent Service"" call uninstall" | MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/11894-uninstall-and-remove-rmm-pm-itsm-ccs-itsm-updater | |
wmic product where name=" | Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 Server Coreガイド : http://manualzz.com/doc/12071651/windows-server-2008---2008-r2-server-core驛「・ァ繝サ・ャ驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「%9D%89 | |
wmic product where name=" | Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 Server Coreガイド : http://manualzz.com/doc/12071651/windows-server-2008---2008-r2-server-core驛「・ァ繝サ・ャ驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「%9D%89 | |
wmic product where name="abc123" call uninstall/nointeractive | windows - Using wmic to Find if Product Exists - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1087355/using-wmic-to-find-if-product-exists | |
wmic product where name="application name" call uninstall /nointeractive | Silently uninstall a Liant product from the command line on a Windows PC - RM/COBOL Knowledge Base - RM/COBOL - Micro Focus Community : http://community.microfocus.com/microfocus/cobol/rm_cobol/w/knowledge_base/17014/silently-uninstall-a-liant-product-from-the-command-line-on-a-windows-pc | |
wmic product where name="AT | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Balsamiq Mockups 3" call uninstall /nointeractive | Can I Install Mockups From the Command Line? - Balsamiq Support Portal : http://support.balsamiq.com/installation/commandline/ | |
wmic product where name="Bing Bar" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Client Security - Password Manager" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Compatibiliteitspakket voor het 2007 Microsoft Office system" call uninstall /nointeractive | Issues Windows 10 and MS Office 2007 compatibility pack | arjanlobbezoo.nl : http://arjanlobbezoo.nl/ms-office-compatibility-pack-2007-and-windows-10-updates-issues/ | |
wmic product where name="Corel WinDVD" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Creo View 2.0" call uninstall | Creo View Lite 2 silent uninstall - PTC User Community : http://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Creo-View-Lite-2-silent-uninstall/td-p/238621 | |
wmic product where name="eBay Worldwide" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 51" call uninstall /nointeractive | Java 8 JRE Upgrades Are Leaving Old Versions In... | Oracle Community : http://community.oracle.com/thread/3651374 | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 55" call uninstall /nointeractive | Java 8 JRE Upgrades Are Leaving Old Versions In... | Oracle Community : http://community.oracle.com/thread/3651374 | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 67" call uninstall /nointeractive | Java 8 JRE Upgrades Are Leaving Old Versions In... | Oracle Community : http://community.oracle.com/thread/3651374 | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 71" call uninstall /nointeractive | Java 8 JRE Upgrades Are Leaving Old Versions In... | Oracle Community : http://community.oracle.com/thread/3651374 | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 75 (64-bit)" call uninstall /nointeractive | Windows: Uninstall Programs Via Command Line (Sudo Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall) – Jacob Salmela : http://jacobsalmela.com/2015/03/14/windows-uninstall-programs-via-command-line-sudo-control-panel-programs-and-features-uninstall/ | |
wmic product where name="Java 7 Update 75" call uninstall /nointeractive | Windows: Uninstall Programs Via Command Line (Sudo Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall) – Jacob Salmela : http://jacobsalmela.com/2015/03/14/windows-uninstall-programs-via-command-line-sudo-control-panel-programs-and-features-uninstall/ | |
wmic product where name="Java 8 Update 25" call uninstall /nointeractive | Java 8 JRE Upgrades Are Leaving Old Versions In... | Oracle Community : http://community.oracle.com/thread/3651374 | |
wmic product where name="Java 8 Update 66" call uninstall /nointeractive | Windows: Uninstall Programs Via Command Line (Sudo Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall) – Jacob Salmela : http://jacobsalmela.com/2015/03/14/windows-uninstall-programs-via-command-line-sudo-control-panel-programs-and-features-uninstall/ | |
wmic product where name="Liant Relativity v12.05 Data Manager" call uninstall /nointeractive | Silently uninstall a Liant product from the command line on a Windows PC - RM/COBOL Knowledge Base - RM/COBOL - Micro Focus Community : http://community.microfocus.com/microfocus/cobol/rm_cobol/w/knowledge_base/17014/silently-uninstall-a-liant-product-from-the-command-line-on-a-windows-pc | |
wmic product where name="Liant RM/COBOL v12.05 Runtime" call uninstall /nointeractive | Silently uninstall a Liant product from the command line on a Windows PC - RM/COBOL Knowledge Base - RM/COBOL - Micro Focus Community : http://community.microfocus.com/microfocus/cobol/rm_cobol/w/knowledge_base/17014/silently-uninstall-a-liant-product-from-the-command-line-on-a-windows-pc | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Easy Assist v2" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Endpoint Protection Management Components" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Intune Center" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Intune Monitoring Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Intune Notification Service" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Intune" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Office 2003" call uninstall /nointeractive | Query device model in Provisioning Template. | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/26406 | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Office 2007" call uninstall /nointeractive | Query device model in Provisioning Template. | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/26406 | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Office 2010" call uninstall /nointeractive | Query device model in Provisioning Template. | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/26406 | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Online Management Agent Installer" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Online Management Client Service" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Online Management Client" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Online Management Policy Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Online Management Update Manager" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Policy Platform" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Security Client" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010" call uninstall | Beare's Knowledge Base : http://nickbeare.com/windows.html | |
wmic product where name="Mobile Broadband Connect" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Norton Online Backup" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
WMIC product where name="Product name from above" call uninstall | How do you uninstall software through GPO that WAS NOT installed by GPO? : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/25d77h/how_do_you_uninstall_software_through_gpo_that/ | |
WMIC product where name="ProductName" call uninstall | Software Uninstallation using WMIC command line : http://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/4105/Software-Uninstallation-using-WMIC-command-line.html | |
WMIC PRODUCT WHERE NAME="Super Illegal Software" call uninstall | Can I use sccm to uninstall software in client computer? : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/cd95f6d2-eea8-4ff2-9d61-c6bc0eeb6a32/can-i-use-sccm-to-uninstall-software-in-client-computer@forum=configmgrgeneral | |
wmic product where name="Symantec Endpoint Protection" get identifyingnumber | Server 2008 r2 NIC - Windows Server : http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/645720/server-2008-r2-nic/ | |
wmic product where name="System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="The Name Of The Program You Wish To Uninstall" call uninstall | Uninstall Windows Program Silently Using the Command Line (WMIC) : http://support.4it.com.au/article/uninstall-windows-program-silently-using-command-line-wmic/ | |
wmic product where name="ThinkVantage Access Connections" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Verizon Wireless Mobile Broadband Self Activation" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Virtual Machine | Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) | What's New in Windows Server 2003 and ProLiant Architecture and Tools | InformIT : http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx@p=1245848&seqNum=3 | |
wmic product where name="VMWare Tools" call uninstall | Server Core メモ : メモ帳 : http://walkywalky.exblog.jp/8234758/ | |
wmic product where name="Windows Easy Assist v2" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Endpoint Protection Management Components" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Firewall Configuration Provider" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Intune Center" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Intune Endpoint Protection Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Intune Monitoring Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Intune Notification Service" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Intune" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live Essentials" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live Mesh" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live Movie Maker" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live Sign-in Assistant" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live Toolbar" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="windows live writer" call uninstall | WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://betanews.com/2011/01/14/wmic-the-best-command-line-tool-you-ve-never-used/ | |
wmic product where name="Windows Live" call uninstall | Panda Security Forum - Thema anzeigen - Komponente: Removal Script f端r vorinstallierte Software & Toolbars : http://technik.pandasecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php@f=51&t=329 | |
wmic product where name="Windows Online Management Agent Installer" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Online Management Client Service" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Online Management Client" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Online Management Policy Agent" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Online Management Update Manager" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Policy Platform" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="Windows Security Client" call uninstall | IntuneDocs/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/IntuneDocs/blob/master/intune-classic/deploy-use/install-the-windows-pc-client-with-microsoft-intune.md | |
wmic product where name="XXX" call uninstall /nointeractive (this uninstalls software) | Network Penetration Testing | TofC: www.networkpentest.net : http://www.networkpentest.net/p/windows-command-list.html | |
wmic product where name= | Simple life, Complicated mind: WMIC: the best command line tool you've never used : http://blog.ijun.org/2014/07/wmic-best-command-line-tool-youve-never.html | |
wmic product where product | List All Installed Programs or Uninstall Programs On Your PC Using CMD : http://vincenttechblog.com/list-all-installed-programs-uninstall-programs-using-cmd/ | |
wmic product where | 10 Cool Command Prompt Tricks That You Should Know | Beebom : http://beebom.com/command-prompt-tricks-to-know/ | |
wmic product | windows 7 - How to list all applications displayed from add/remove WinXP/Win7 via command-line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/681564/how-to-list-all-applications-displayed-from-add-remove-winxp-win7-via-command-li |