コマンドオプションサンプル:wmic QFE


wmic qfe get "HotFixID" /format:table    Batch Uninstall Windows Updates | Thinking Around the Box (Model) : http://blag.kazeno.net/solutions/uninstall-windows-updates
wmic qfe get hotfixid >c:\hotfixes.txt    Easy Way to See if KB article or Knowledge Base or Hotfix or Update is installed - AngelCom : http://angelcom.com/easy-way-to-see-if-kb-article-or-knowledge-base-or-hotfix-or-update-is-installed/
wmic qfe get hotfixid    Easy Way to See if KB article or Knowledge Base or Hotfix or Update is installed - AngelCom : http://angelcom.com/easy-way-to-see-if-kb-article-or-knowledge-base-or-hotfix-or-update-is-installed/
wmic qfe get    Batch Uninstall Windows Updates | Thinking Around the Box (Model) : http://blag.kazeno.net/solutions/uninstall-windows-updates
wmic qfe list /format:csv    Batch Uninstall Windows Updates | Thinking Around the Box (Model) : http://blag.kazeno.net/solutions/uninstall-windows-updates
wmic qfe list brief /format:texttablewsys >"%Path_of_the_text_file%"    Batch Uninstall Windows Updates | Thinking Around the Box (Model) : http://blag.kazeno.net/solutions/uninstall-windows-updates
wmic qfe list    08th SE's Blog wmic qfe list はどこを見ているのか? : http://08thse.blog.fc2.com/@mode=m&no=374
WMIC QFE WHERE HotFixID='KB3150513' GET HotFixID    Uninstalling Java Remotely from Numerous Computers | BatchPatch - The Ultimate Windows Update Tool : http://batchpatch.com/an-alternate-way-to-check-if-computers-have-a-particular-windows-update-installed
wmic qfe    Full text of "kali_adv_pentest_-_social_engineering" : http://archive.org/stream/kali_adv_pentest_-_social_engineering/Mastering_Kali_Linux_for_Advanced_Penetration_Testing_-_Beggs_Robert_djvu.txt


https://www.google.co.jp/#q=wmic QFE