コマンドオプションサンプル:wmic SHADOWCOPY


wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='C:\' Executing (Win32_ShadowCopy)->create() ERROR: Description = Initialization failure C:\Users\Doooh>     Previous versions not working in Windows 10 : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/2ebc2245-f5a4-4883-9762-f93f8f21d19b/previous-versions-not-working-in-windows-10@forum=win10itprogeneral
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wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='D:\'    How to Protect and Harden a Computer against Ransomware : http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/how-to-protect-and-harden-a-computer-against-ransomware/
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='E:\'    windows 10 - Unexpectedly able to create VSS shadow copy for FAT32 volume - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/871979/unexpectedly-able-to-create-vss-shadow-copy-for-fat32-volume
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='targert_volume_id'    Bvckup 2 | Forum | Feature requests and suggestions : http://bvckup2.com/support/forum/topic/436
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume=    Before You Pay that Ransomware Demand… — Krebs on Security : http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/12/before-you-pay-that-ransomware-demand/
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume=c:\    Configure Shadow Copy For Windows 10 – It`s simple when you know how ! : http://itsimple.info/@p=258
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume=D:\    windows 10 - Shadow Copy With Storage Spaces? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1259047/shadow-copy-with-storage-spaces
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wmic shadowcopy delete (PID: 3220)    Free Automated Malware Analysis Service - powered by Falcon Sandbox - Viewing online file analysis results for 'gxyegj.exe' : http://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/08cf8ed94cc1ef6ae23133f3e506a50d8aad9047c6fa74568a0373d991261aa4@environmentId=100
wmic shadowcopy delete (PID: 3612)    Automated Malware Analysis Service - powered by Falcon Sandbox - Viewing analysis results for 'badfile.exe' : http://www.vxstream-sandbox.com/sample/ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa@environmentId=100
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wmic shadowcopy delete" (UID: 00029503-00003612)    Automated Malware Analysis Service - powered by Falcon Sandbox - Viewing analysis results for 'badfile.exe' : http://www.vxstream-sandbox.com/sample/ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa@environmentId=100
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wmic shadowcopy list brief    These Aren't Yo Momma's WMIC Commands – Half Full of Security : http://jon.glass/blog/lists-some-wmic-commands/
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