xcopy /Z option
xcopy /z /q /s /e /y "%%a" "%enddir%" >nul | windows - Copy with percentage completion - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23234842/copy-with-percentage-completion | |
xcopy /z /y "\\domain.com\NETLOGON\apps\PSWindowsUpdate\ | Patching Production servers with WSUS & Powershell - Syspanda : http://syspanda.com/index.php/2017/09/27/patching-production-servers-wsus-powershell/ | |
xcopy /z and using BITS. Xcopy /z is pretty self explanatory. Bitsadmin is how you manage a bits tranfer in windows 2003 | windows - Large File Copy Tool accross Flaky Connection - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/26927/large-file-copy-tool-accross-flaky-connection |