コマンドオプションサンプル:xcopy /K


xcopy /K オプション

xcopy /k /f /c /r /o /s /e    ▲▽システムバックアップソフト徹底比較△▼ No.15 : http://anago.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1294301529/
xcopy /k /f /c /r /o /s /e    ▲▽システムバックアップソフト徹底比較△▼ No.15 : http://archive.2ch-ranking.net/software/1294301529.html
xcopy /k /f /c /r /o /s /e    ▲▽システムバックアップソフト徹底比較△▼ No.15/パソコン情報局 : http://pc-news.ldblog.jp/archives/51777045.html
xcopy /k /f /c /r /o /s /e    システムバックアップソフト徹底比較! | ライフハックちゃんねる弐式 : http://lifehack2ch.livedoor.biz/archives/51254279.html
xcopy /K /R ....... s:\    batch-file - あるフォルダから別のフォルダにファイルをコピーするバッチファイル - file-io | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/531
xcopy /K /R ....... s:\    What is a better file copy alternative than the Windows default? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329/what-is-a-better-file-copy-alternative-than-the-windows-default
xcopy /K /R /E /I /S /C /H /G /X /Y s:\    Windows bulk file copy tools : http://www.softpanorama.org/Windows/Bulk_copy/index.shtml
xcopy /k copies attributes. Normal xcopy will reset read-only attributes. xcopy /y overwrites existing files without prompting. edit Use the edit command to view    A+ cheat sheet : http://www.slideshare.net/abnmi/a-cheat-sheet
xcopy /k copies attributes. Normal xcopy will reset read-only attributes    Command Prompt Flashcards : http://www.flashcardmachine.com/acheat-sheet.html
xcopy /k copies attributes. Normal xcopy will reset read-only attributes    IT Fundamentals III Flashcards - Course Hero : http://www.coursehero.com/flashcards/533030/IT-Fundamentals-III/
XCOPY /K test.txt testA.txtOnce I do this I have to answer a question about the 'testA.txt' to specify with 'F' that it is a file    Automate Log output from Batch File - Windows XP - Tom's Hardware : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/275274-45-archive-attribute-copying-files