Office 2010 セットアップ エラーコード一覧

Office 2010 セットアップ に関するエラーメッセージの一覧を紹介します。

One or more required Office components failed to complete successfully. For more information, consult the setup log file.

The file could not be found.

The install location you selected does not have enough free space. Free up space from the selected install location, or choose a different install location.

An unexpected error has occurred.

One or more third-party programs failed to complete successfully. For more information, contact your system administrator.

The existing installation contains more than 4GB of data. You must have less than 4GB of data in order to upgrade to a stand-alone installation of this product. Either reduce the size of the existing database or migrate the existing installation to a SharePoint farm configuration, and then re-run setup.

Setup can't find or validate an installation file. Please try reinstall Office from your installation source, or if you install from a downloaded package,please re-install.


ネットワークドライブ、CD-ROMドライブ、RAM ドライブをインストール先のパスとして選択することはできません。固定ディスク ドライブまたはリムーバブルドライブ上のフォルダを指定してください。

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 のセットアップ中にエラーが発生しました


The setup controller has encountered a problem during install. Please review the log files for further information on the error